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Women in Ancient Greece
Article by Mark Cartwright

Women in Ancient Greece

Women in the ancient Greek world had few rights in comparison to male citizens. Unable to vote, own land, or inherit, a woman's place was in the home and her purpose in life was the rearing of children. That is a general description and when...
The Eastern Perspective on the Trinity
Article by John S. Knox

The Eastern Perspective on the Trinity

All too often, the Eastern perspective on the Trinity is mistakenly overlooked by Western society in the study of Church History. This is unfortunate, for men like Gregory of Nazianzus (329–390 CE) and John of Damascus (676–749 CE) offered...
Magic in Ancient Greece
Article by Mark Cartwright

Magic in Ancient Greece

For the Greeks magic (mageia or goeteia) was a wide-ranging topic which involved spells and evil prayers (epoidai), curse tablets (katadesmoi), enhancing drugs and deadly poisons (pharmaka), amulets (periapta) and powerful love potions (philtra...
Food & Agriculture in Ancient Greece
Article by Mark Cartwright

Food & Agriculture in Ancient Greece

The prosperity of the majority of Greek city-states was based on agriculture and the ability to produce the necessary surplus which allowed some citizens to pursue other trades and pastimes and to create a quantity of exported goods so that...
Ptolemy's Letter to Flora
Article by John S. Knox

Ptolemy's Letter to Flora

Although many Christians, theologians, and denominations have advocated for the idea that all biblical texts within the canon are one in spirit, authority, and ultimate authorship, not every reader of the Bible has come to the same conclusion...
Ignatius of Antioch & His Letter to the Ephesians
Article by John S. Knox

Ignatius of Antioch & His Letter to the Ephesians

For many people, the origins of the Christian church are shrouded in obscurity outside of the biblical narratives concerning Jesus Christ and his Jewish followers. Yet, after the crucifixion of Jesus and the initial missions work across the...
Saint Augustine of Hippo & His Confession of Faith
Article by John S. Knox

Saint Augustine of Hippo & His Confession of Faith

Few theologians have attained as much renown and influence in history as Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE), a 'Doctor' of the Catholic Church and simply known by his peers as 'The Knowledgeable One.' A brilliant man who never sought to...
Gregory the Great & His Pastoral Care
Article by John S. Knox

Gregory the Great & His Pastoral Care

One of the most influential and important Christian leaders during the Early Medieval Period was Pope Gregory the Great (540–604 CE). Renown for his administrative prowess and ecclesiastical reforms during a time of "obscurantism, superstition...
Cortés & the Fall of the Aztec Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Cortés & the Fall of the Aztec Empire

The Aztec empire flourished between c. 1345 and 1521 CE and dominated ancient Mesoamerica. This young and warlike nation was highly successful in spreading its reach and gaining fabulous wealth, but then all too quickly came the strange visitors...
Pizarro & the Fall of the Inca Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Pizarro & the Fall of the Inca Empire

In 1533 CE the Inca Empire was the largest in the world. It extended across western South America from Quito in the north to Santiago in the south. However, the lack of integration of conquered peoples into that empire, combined with a civil...