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Fall of the East India Company
Article by Mark Cartwright

Fall of the East India Company

The British East India Company (1600-1874) was the largest and most successful private enterprise ever created. All-powerful wherever it colonised, the EIC's use of its own private army and increasing territorial control, particularly in...
Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World with Dr. Bob Brier
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World with Dr. Bob Brier

Join World History Encyclopedia as they sit down with Dr. Bob Brier to chat all about his new book Tutankhamun and the Tomb That Changed the World, published by Oxford University Press. Kelly: Welcome. Thank you so much for joining me today...
Herodotus on Babylon
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Herodotus on Babylon

The description of Babylon and Babylonian customs in Histories by the Greek historian Herodotus (l. c. 484-425/413 BCE) has long been challenged for accuracy and been found wanting, leading some scholars to dismiss the work entirely as more...
Assassination of Marat
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Assassination of Marat

The assassination of revolutionary activist and Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat on 13 July 1793 was one of the most iconic moments of the French Revolution (1789-1799), immortalized in Jacques-Louis David's painting Death of Marat. Marat's...
Fall of the Girondins
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Fall of the Girondins

The fall of the Girondins, which occurred during the Paris insurrections of 31 May-2 June 1793, marked the end of a bitter power struggle between the Girondins and the Mountain during the French Revolution (1789-99). It was significant for...
Architects of France's 1901 Law of Associations
Article by Stephen M Davis

Architects of France's 1901 Law of Associations

The Law of Associations was adopted by the French Parliament on 3 July 1901 to limit the influence of Catholic teaching orders as the first step toward the formal separation of church and state that would follow in 1905. Of 16,904 religious...
The Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb
Article by Oxford University Press

The Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb

Before Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun's tomb, he began his career as a 17-year-old artist on an excavation in Egypt. His skills were soon recognized, and he quickly rose to be an excavator and later chief inspector for Luxor. Because...
Ten Great Ancient Mesopotamian Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Great Ancient Mesopotamian Women

The lives of women in ancient Mesopotamia were regulated by a patriarchal hierarchy, but within this social structure, there were many who distinguished themselves and some who were able to assume positions traditionally held by men. Women...
Baroque, Age of Contrasts - Exhibition Interview Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Article by James Blake Wiener

Baroque, Age of Contrasts - Exhibition Interview Schweizerisches Landesmuseum

The Baroque era, which lasted from roughly 1580 and 1780, was a time of enormous contrasts: Opulence and innovation, on the one hand; death and crises, on the other. Ongoing religious wars and the opening of global trade networks led to mass...
Women in Ancient Mesopotamia
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Women in Ancient Mesopotamia

The lives of women in ancient Mesopotamia cannot be characterized as easily as with other civilizations owing to the different cultures over time. Generally speaking, though, Mesopotamian women had significant rights, could own businesses...