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Philia Culture Pottery from Cyprus
These pottery vessels show prominent Anatolian characteristics. Early Bronze Age in Cyprus, 2300-1900 BCE. (Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey).

Faience Lion from Megiddo
A statuette of a lion. Faience. Early Iron Age, 1200-900 BCE. From Tel Megiddo, in modern-day Israel. (Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey).

Milk Pottery from Cyprus
A variety of milk pottery. Late Bronze Age in Cyprus, 1650-1050 BCE. (Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey).

Amun and Mut
Figures of the Egyptian god Amun (wearing the plumed headdress) and his consort, the goddess Mut (wearing the royal vulture headdress and the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. Each holds a scepter and an ankh. The figures were vandalized...

Head of a Ptolemaic King
This diorite head of an Egyptian king was depicted as Amun/Jupiter. Ptolemaic Period, 332-30 BCE. From Egypt. (Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul, Turkey).

Funerary Stele Featuring Osiris, Min, Horus, Anubis, Isis, and Maat
This detail of a funerary stela depicts Takerseb (extreme right), a priestess of the goddess Min-Re, making an offering to the Egyptian gods and goddesses (from right to left: Osiris, Min, Horus, Anubis, Isis, and Maat). Ptolemaic Period...

Egyptian Funerary Stele from the First Intermediate Period
This is a door-shaped limestone stele of a priestess of the goddess Hathor. First Intermediate Period, 2134-2040 BCE. From Egypt. (Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul, Turkey).

Sun Dial with Aramaic Inscription from Madain Saleh
The concave inner side of the half dome-shaped dial is divided into 12 parts by 11 radial lines. The rod perpendicular to the center is the pointer. The shadow of the pointer falls on the radial lines as the sun moves. Although the system...

Relief Column Fragment from Madain Saleh
This sandstone fragment of a column depicts striding animals. Second Century CE. From Madain Saleh, in modern-day Saudia Arabia. (Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul, Turkey).

Statue of a Governor of Tura-Dagan
Diorite statue of a standing male, who was a governor of Tura-Dagan (Mari, modern-day Tell Harriri, Syria), Old Babylonian Period, 1894-1594 BCE. The statue was brought from Mari to Babylon as war booty during the Neo-Babylonian Period. From...