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Viking Age Farm, Avaldsnes, Norway
Image by Mark Voigt

Viking Age Farm, Avaldsnes, Norway

Reconstructed Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE) farm in Avaldsnes, Norway, including main longhouse and various outbuildings.
Viking Age Oval Brooches
Image by mararie

Viking Age Oval Brooches

Two Viking Age oval brooches - also known as tortoise brooches - which were used in a practical way by women to pin up the straps of their overdresses but were often decorated. They came in pairs - one for each dress strap - and are often...
Viking Age Clothing
Image by Wolfmann

Viking Age Clothing

Reconstructions of Viking Age clothing as found on display at the Archaeological Museum in Stavanger, Norway. The woman is wearing a white shift or underdress, a red overdress (hangerock or smokkr) and two characteristically Viking oval brooches...
John Tzimiskes Meets Sviatoslav I
Image by Alexandar R.

John Tzimiskes Meets Sviatoslav I

Meeting between Emperor John Tzimiskes (r. 969-976 CE) and Sviatoslav I of Kiev (r. 945-972 CE) in the Madrid Skylitzes, fol. 172rb.
Nikephoros II Phokas Captures Aleppo
Image by Cplakidas

Nikephoros II Phokas Captures Aleppo

Capture of Aleppo by the Byzantines under Nikephoros Phokas in 962 CE. History of John Skylitzes - Skyllitzes Matritensis (Biblioteca Nacional de España)
Sayf al-Dawla
Image by Cplakidas

Sayf al-Dawla

Sayf al-Dawla (r. 945-967 CE)at his court History of John Skylitzes - Skyllitzes Matritensis (Biblioteca Nacional de España)
Nikephoros II Phokas
Image by Neuceu

Nikephoros II Phokas

Medieval illumination representing Nikephoros II Phokas, Byzantine emperor (963-969 CE).
Robert of Normandy at the Siege of Antioch
Image by Jean-Joseph Dassy

Robert of Normandy at the Siege of Antioch

A 19th century CE painting by Jean-Joseph Dassy of Robert of Normandy at the Siege of Antioch, 1097-8 CE during the First Crusade (1095-1102 CE).
Phaedra & Hippolytus Mosaic
Image by martin_vmorris

Phaedra & Hippolytus Mosaic

Phaedra and Hippolytus, late 2nd-3rd century CE House of Dionysus, Paphos Archaeological Park, Cyprus
Hippolytus & Phaedra
Image by Peter Roan

Hippolytus & Phaedra

Terracotta neck-amphora (jar) Red-figure, Greek, South Italian, Campanian, Late Classical Date: c. 330–310 BCE, attributed to the Ixion Painter On the body, obverse: Hippolytus, attendant, and Phaedra, with a Fury above Reverse: two...