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Mosaic in the Memorial Church of Moses, Mount Nebo
Image by Carole Raddato

Mosaic in the Memorial Church of Moses, Mount Nebo

6th century CE mosaic in the Diakonikon Baptistry of the Memorial Church of Moses in Mount Nebo, Jordan. The mosaic, dating to 530 CE, is a large square divided into two sections. The top section depicts hunting scenes while the lower section...
Xerxes' Inscription, Van
Image by Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

Xerxes' Inscription, Van

The cuneiform inscription of Xerxes (486-465 BCE) on the rock cliffs of Van, a city on the shores of Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Written in the three official languages of the Achaemenid Empire: Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian, it proclaims...
Vahagn the Dragon Slayer
Image by Chaojoker

Vahagn the Dragon Slayer

A modern statue of Vahagn, the figure from Armenian mythology who was famed for his slaying of dragons and association with the Sun. Sculpted by Karlen Nurijanyan. Near Yerevan, Armenia.
Miniature of Aethelflaed
Image by Unknown

Miniature of Aethelflaed

14th century CE miniature of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians (r. 911-918 CE), as found in the Genealogical roll of the kings of England.
England Around 910 CE
Image by Philg88

England Around 910 CE

Map showing England around 910 CE, showing among others the Viking territories under the Danelaw as well as the English kingdoms of Mercia (at this point in time ruled by Aethelred, Lord of the Mercians (r. 881-911 CE) and Wessex.
English Midlands c. 912 CE
Image by Robin Boulby

English Midlands c. 912 CE

Map showing the English midlands around 912 CE, including the kingdom of Mercia which was reigned by the renowned Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians (r. 911-918 CE) at the time.
Vologases I
Image by The British Museum

Vologases I

Parthian coin depicting Vologases I of Parthia. Minted in Ecbatana between 51-78 CE, it weighs approximately 3.7 grams and measures 19 millimeters in diameter. (British Museum, London)
Statue of Corbulo
Image by Basvb

Statue of Corbulo

Statue of the 1st century CE Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo in Voorburg, Netherlands, by sculptor Albert Termote (1887-1978 CE)
Statue of Tigranes the Great
Image by Beko

Statue of Tigranes the Great

Statue of Armenian king Tigranes the Great (r. c. 95 - c. 56 BCE), on the Republic of Armenia Presidential Palace grounds. Sculptor: Levon Tokmajyan
Tigranes the Great Coin
Image by The British Museum

Tigranes the Great Coin

Obverse of coin depicting Tigranes the Great (r. c. 95 - c. 56 BCE). Minted at Antiochia ad Orontem, near present-day Antakya, Turkey. Silver, weighing approximately 16.5 grams. Acquired 1824 CE. (British Museum, London)