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Carved Viking Head
Image by Astrid Westvang

Carved Viking Head

A detail of the chariot from the Oseberg burial. Viking Ship Museum, Oslo
Leif Erikson
Image by Alessandro Grussu

Leif Erikson

Hallgrímskirkja and statue of Leif Eriksson. Reykjavik
Nydam Ship
Image by Erik Christensen

Nydam Ship

The first Viking ship able to navigate the sea easily is known as the Nydam ship, from Denmark, built c. 350-400 CE, though this ship had no sail. Gottorp Castle, Sleswig.
Lewis Chessmen
Image by Jagoba Barron

Lewis Chessmen

The famous Lewis Chessmen, now in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and the British Museum in London, are high-quality examples of the type of chessmen the Scandinavians produced. It is believed the Lewis Chessmen were made in...
Mosaic Glass Bead from Roman Egypt
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Mosaic Glass Bead from Roman Egypt

This 1st Century CE Millefiori-formed glass bead from Alexandria, Egypt is a part of the collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. On its surface is a complex and beautiful pattern of multi-coloured stars, stripes and flecks.
John II Komnenos Hunting
Image by Unknown Artist

John II Komnenos Hunting

An illustration from a 13th century CE manuscript depicting Byzantine emperor John II Komnenos (r. 1118-1143 CE).
John II Komnenos
Image by Myrabella

John II Komnenos

Byzantine emperor John II Komnenos (r. 1118-1143 CE). From a 12th century CE mosaic panel in the south gallery of the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. The emperor is shown offering a gift to the Virgin and young Christ.
Hellenistic Bronze Statuette of an Aethiopian Youth
Image by Unknown

Hellenistic Bronze Statuette of an Aethiopian Youth

This Hellenistic bronze statuette of an African youth dates to sometime between the 2nd-3rd Centuries BCE. It portrays a young worker, likely a blacksmith or other artisan, of Sub-Saharan African origin. While the piece is of unknown provenance...
Hellenistic Head of an Aethiopian
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Hellenistic Head of an Aethiopian

This beautifully crafted head portrays an "Aethiopian", or black African, and is made out of black bronze, gold, obsidian and carnelian. The piece was once a part of an ornate object like a serving dish although it has been broken off at...
The Virgin and Child Mosaic, Hagia Sophia
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

The Virgin and Child Mosaic, Hagia Sophia

The Virgin and Child mosaic, 9th century CE, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey. The mosaic is located in the apse semi-dome of Hagia Sophia. In the mosaic Mary is enthroned and she puts her right hand on the shoulder of the Child Christ who...