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Crosby Garrett Helmet
The Crosby Garrett Helmet, a copper alloy Roman cavalry helmet dating from the 1st half of 3rd century AD, found by an unnamed metal detectorist near Crosby Garrett in Cumbria in May 2010. This photo was taken on the occasion of the Hadrian’s...

Mount Athos
Mount Athos in northeastern Greece, home of 20 monasteries, the first of which was built probably in the 9th century CE.

Map of Mount Athos Monasteries
A map of the monasteries on the Mount Athos peninsula, northern Greece. The first monastery was founded probably in the 9th century CE.

Maya Temple, Lamanai
Mask Temple, Lamanai, Orange Walk District, Belize

San Bartolo Mural
Mural fragment in San Bartolo, Guatemala, rediscovered 2003 CE, presented at the Palacio Nacional de La Cultura, May 2006 CE. Preclassic Maya art.

Olmec Celtiform Ax
Jadeite celt, 10-4th century BCE, Mexico, Mesoamerica Metropolitan Museum of Art About 1000 BCE, celts-elongated, elliptical ground stone tools-would acquire meaning beyond their workaday function. When made of greenstones such as the...

Maya Spouted Jar
This spouted vessel is one of the most elegantly sculpted stone containers in the corpus of Maya art. Its form with the vertical spout parallel to the central axis of the main chamber is known from the late 1st millennium B.C. and is especially...

Maya Tripod Bowl
3-4th century CE, Guatemala, Mesoamerica. Metropolitan Museum of Art A favored vessel type of the Maya lowlands was one made in the shape of a tropical bird, perhaps a cormorant, in the act of catching a fish in its beak. The bird's forehead...

Alexandros I Balas
Alexander I Balas was born in Smyrna and ruled the Greek Seleucid kingdom from 152-145 BCE.

Lyrist and Singer from the Standard of Ur
This is a detail of the so-called "Peace Scene" of the Standard of Ur. Here, on the left, a man, wearing a flounced skirt, sits on a chair (or stool) and drinks from a cup. Behind him, a man holds (and plays) a lyre; a very similar lyre was...