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Roman Mural of Isiac Cult
The cult of the Egyptian goddess Isis first spread to Rome during the Hellenistic period and it enjoyed popularity until the adoption of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire in the 4th century CE. This mural from a temple to Isis in Herculaneum...

Statuette of Isis-Venus
This bronze statuette from the late 2nd Century CE depicts the Egyptian goddess Isis in Hellenized form as Aphrodite but wearing the traditional vulture cap and knotted robe of Isis. Isis was a popular deity in the Roman world from the Hellenistic...

Bhagavata Purana
Page from a manuscript of the Bhagavata Purana. Three cowherds bring their cows to the river Yamuna to drink, then they ask Kṛṣṇa how to find food. Above, Kṛṣṇa tells a group of cowherds, all standing in a line to go and ask the brahmin ladies...

Gothic Invasion 250-251 CE
Gothic invasion in the Balkans, 250-251 CE, and the battle of Abritus.

Portion of an Ancient Egyptian Stela
This stela is from the tomb of Espotu, a priest of Amun-Re and son of the second prophet of Amun-Re, Ankhefenkhons. In the inscription, he lists the 22 priesthoods he held, detailing his received a salary for each position. This stela was...

Ancient Egyptian Funeral Painting
Ancient Egyptian tomb painting depicting workmen bringing offerings to a funeral, from the tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky, Thebes, New Kingdom of Egypt (c. 1570 to c. 1069 BCE), 18th Dynasty, c. 1400 BCE.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

Chinese Pillar Support in the Form of a Kneeling Demon
This pillar support comes from the Buddhist caves at Xiangtangshan, Hebei Province, China and is shaped like a kneeling demon. It is made of limestone and dates from the era of the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-557 CE). (Royal Ontario Museum...

Chinese Bronze Mirror with Phoenix Motif
This Chinese bronze mirror with a phoenix motif dates from the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE). The phoenix was the female counterpart to the male dragon in mythology, and it was also a symbol of Chinese empresses. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)

Portrait of Ptolemy I or II of Egypt
This limestone portrait from the Early Ptolemaic Period (323-246 BCE) depicts either Ptolemy I or Ptolemy II of Egypt. Exact provenance is unknown. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)

Ancient Egyptian Gazelle Mummy
This gazelle mummy dates from the Late Period (664-332 BCE) of ancient Egyptian history. Its exact provenance is unknown. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)