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Byzantine Floor Mosaic with Donkey
Image by James Blake Wiener

Byzantine Floor Mosaic with Donkey

This floor mosaic with a donkey standing on a mosaic floor is made of limestone tesserae. It was made in the Eastern Mediterranean, c. 500-600 CE. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)
Floor Mosaic with the Goddess Artemis
Image by James Blake Wiener

Floor Mosaic with the Goddess Artemis

This floor mosaic with the goddess Artemis is made of limestone tesserae and was made in the Eastern Mediterranean, c. 400-500 CE. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)
Bust of a Roman Boy on a Pedestal
Image by James Blake Wiener

Bust of a Roman Boy on a Pedestal

This type of bust was popular in the Near East during the Roman period. It is made of terracotta and is perhaps from what is prsent-day Jordan. It dates from c. 200-300 CE. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)
Ibis Coffin from Ancient Egypt
Image by James Blake Wiener

Ibis Coffin from Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian coffin, made of bronze and gilded wood for an ibis, found at Hermopolis, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE). Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
Basil I
Image by Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Basil I

A gold solidus coin from the reign of Byzantine emperor Basil I (r. 867-886 CE).
Basil I & Leo VI Confront Each Other
Image by Unknown Artist

Basil I & Leo VI Confront Each Other

A 13th century CE illustration showing Byzantine emperor Basil I (r. 867-886 CE) confronting Leo VI, his son, murderer and successor. (Madrid Sklitzes, National Library, Madrid)
Loki Taunting Bragi
Image by W.G. Collingwood

Loki Taunting Bragi

Loki taunting Bragi, a scene from Norse mythology relayed in the Lokasenna story, Illustration by W.G. Collingwood from page 244 of The Elder or Poetic Edda; commonly known as Sæmund's Edda. Edited and translated with introduction and notes...
Loki's Punishment
Image by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (scanned by Gudrun)

Loki's Punishment

Painting by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg from 1810 CE depicting a scene from Norse mythology in which Loki is punished by the gods for his hand in the death of Baldr. A serpent is suspended above his head, dripping poison onto him, but...
The Snaptun Stone
Image by Bloodofox

The Snaptun Stone

The Viking Age Snaptun stone was carved around 1000 CE and shows a face with stitched-up lips, which reminds of a story preserved in the Prose Edda where the Norse god's Loki’s lips are sewn up. As such, it is usually thought to be one of...
Colossal Statue of Shapur I
Image by Turpault

Colossal Statue of Shapur I

Colossal Statue of Shapur I (240-270 CE), located in the Shapur Cave in modern-day Iran.