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Roman Bird Frieze
This limestone frieze was likely made somewhere in the Eastern Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. It depicts a hungry bird pecking a vine. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)

Statue of Ancient Egyptian Politician
This granite statue depicts an ancient Egyptian politician from the city of Thebes. It was made around c. 800 BCE during the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt (c. 1069 BCE–c. 664 BCE). (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)

Statue of the goddess Sekhmet
This statue of the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet is made from granite. It dates from c. 1300 BCE, which coincides with the New Kingdom Period (c. 1550 BCE–c. 1077 BCE). (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)

Ancient Egyptian Offering Basin
This offering basin made from stone dates from the time that Egypt was a province of the Roman Empire (30 BCE–641 CE). It was carved in the shape of an ankh, which symbolized life. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)

Statuette of Egyptian Governor Khnumnakht
Made from limestone, this statuette shows the ancient Egyptian governor Khnumnakht. He was a contemporary of Djehutihotep—the fifteenth nomos of Upper Egypt— who lived during the twelfth dynasty (c. 1985-1773 BCE) of the Middle Kingdom Period...

Relief Depicting Egyptian God Tutu
This ancient Egyptian relief dates from c. 100 CE and depicts Tutu. (He was known as "Tithoes" in Greek.) Tutu was an ancient Egyptian god that first rose in popularity in the Late Period (c. 664 BCE–c. 332 BCE). While ancient Egyptians believed...

Fragment of a Dignitary from Meroë
This stone fragment was made in ancient Egypt during the first few centuries it was under Roman occupation (30 BCE-641 CE). The fragment shows a dignitary or foreign emissary from Meroe, which flourished to Egypt's south from 800 BCE to 350...

Imentet, Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the West
This stone fragment from ancient Egypt depicts Imentet. She was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the West and thus the protector of the necropolises west of the Nile. Married to Aqen, she is mentioned with some frequency in the Book of the...

Fragment of a Near Eastern Man
This painted fragment on stone shows a foreign man from the Near East or Canaan presenting fruit. It was painted in ancient Egypt c. 1340 BCE. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)

Painted Fragment of a Theban Woman
This painted fragment from ancient Egypt depicts a woman from the city of Thebes. It was likely painted on stone c. 1300 BCE. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)