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Greek Fire Grenades
Image by Badseed

Greek Fire Grenades

Two clay grenades which were designed to be filled with the flammable liquid known as Greek Fire and launched at the enemy. Greek Fire was first used in the Byzantine empire in 678 CE. These examples date to between the 10th and 12th century...
Greek Fire
Image by Unknown Artist

Greek Fire

A 12th century CE illustration of the Byzantine weapon Greek Fire in action. The weapon sprayed a petroleum-based liquid to set ablaze anything in its path, especially ships. Here the battle is between ships of Michael II and those of Thomas...
Lighthouse of Alexandria [Artist's Impression]
Image by Ubisoft Entertainment SA

Lighthouse of Alexandria [Artist's Impression]

An artist's impression of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, built c. 300 - c. 280 BCE and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. (From the computer game Assassin's Creed Origins)
Tetricus I
Image by The Creative Assembly

Tetricus I

An artist's impression of Tetricus I (271-274 CE), emperor of the Gallic Empire, in battle as depicted in the PC game Rome II: Total War - Empire Divided.
Priestess of Vesta
Image by Frederic Leighton

Priestess of Vesta

Artist's impression of a Roman woman, dressed as a Priestess of Vesta, performing sacred rites. Invocation by Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton (1830–1896 CE). Oil on Canvas.
Roman Bird Frieze
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Bird Frieze

This limestone frieze was likely made somewhere in the Eastern Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. It depicts a hungry bird pecking a vine. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)
Statue of Ancient Egyptian Politician
Image by James Blake Wiener

Statue of Ancient Egyptian Politician

This granite statue depicts an ancient Egyptian politician from the city of Thebes. It was made around c. 800 BCE during the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt (c. 1069 BCE–c. 664 BCE). (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)
Statue of the goddess Sekhmet
Image by James Blake Wiener

Statue of the goddess Sekhmet

This statue of the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet is made from granite. It dates from c. 1300 BCE, which coincides with the New Kingdom Period (c. 1550 BCE–c. 1077 BCE). (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)
Ancient Egyptian Offering Basin
Image by James Blake Wiener

Ancient Egyptian Offering Basin

This offering basin made from stone dates from the time that Egypt was a province of the Roman Empire (30 BCE–641 CE). It was carved in the shape of an ankh, which symbolized life. (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels)
Statuette of Egyptian Governor Khnumnakht
Image by James Blake Wiener

Statuette of Egyptian Governor Khnumnakht

Made from limestone, this statuette shows the ancient Egyptian governor Khnumnakht. He was a contemporary of Djehutihotep—the fifteenth nomos of Upper Egypt— who lived during the twelfth dynasty (c. 1985-1773 BCE) of the Middle Kingdom Period...