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Tambourine Player from Ancient Israel
This female figurine of a tambourine player is part of a group of similar clay figurines found in Tell es-Sa'idiyeh and Tell Jemmeh, modern-day Israel. Pottery female musicians of this sort probably formed part of a toy band. Iron II, 9th...

Carved Ivory from Samaria
This carved piece of ivory, in a Phoenician style, is part of large number of ivories which were found in the city of Samaria during the excavations of J. W. Crowfoot in 1931-1935 CE. They consist, for the most part, of furniture inlays...

Storage Jar from Hazor
This water vessel has a pointed base and a long narrow neck. The site of Hazor is located 5 miles south-west of Lake Huleh, north of Galilee. During the Middle and Late Bronze Ages, it had been one of the most powerful cities in the Levant...

Lachish Letter II
This is Lachish Letter II, a pottery ostracon with Hebrew inscription. This ostracon is probably a fragment of a wheel-made storage jar. The so-called "Lachish Letters" are documents consisting of potsherds inscribed in black ink (known...

Lachish Letter I
This is Lachish Letter I, a pottery ostracon with Hebrew inscription. This ostracon is probably a fragment of a wheel-made storage jar. The so-called "Lachish Letters" are documents consisting of potsherds inscribed in black ink (known...

Reconstruction of the Uluburun Ship
A reconstruction of the Uluburun, a Bronze age vessel which was sunk sometime between 1330 and 1300 BCE off the coast of Lycia.

Egyptian Amber Ring
A finger ring made from amber. Egypt, New Kingdom Period. (British Museum, London)

Roman Amber Perfume-pot
A perfume-pot made from amber and depicting cupids and a panther. Roman, Aquileia, 100-120 CE. (British Museum, London)

Archaic Greek Amber Necklace
An amber necklace from Archaic Greece, 600-480 BCE. Potidaea, ancient Macedon. (British Museum, London)

Roman Amber Dice
A Roman dice made from amber. 1st-2nd century CE. From Aquileia, central Italy. (British Museum, London)