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Greek Slave Handcuffs
Bronze slave handcuffs from the Greek colony of Heraclea in southern Italy. 4th-2nd century BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Policoro, Italy)

Ancient Frabrics from Teishebaini
Uraratu was famous for its expert weavers. These remains of fabric, rope, and thread ball were discovered at the Teishebaini Fortress, which is located within the boundaries of present-day Yerevan, Armenia, and date from the 7th century BCE...

Small Jugs from Erebuni
These fine jugs from Erebuni Fortress in Yerevan, Armenia are a testimonial to the advanced level of craftsmanship attained by the Urartian people in ancient times. Jugs in baked clay, c. 800-700 BCE. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological...

Urartian Beer Pitchers
Ancient beer pitchers made from clay have been uncovered across present-day Armenia. This set is from the ancient Fortress of Teishebaini and date from the 7th century BCE. Like their Mesopotamian neighbors to the south, the Urartians brewed...

Bas Relief of Haldi
Haldi (Khaldi) was the supreme god of the Urartian pantheon, and there was a temple dedicated to him at ancient Erebuni. Bas relief reconstruction, K Gianjian. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Culture Preserve, Yerevan.)

Bas Relief of Teisheba
Teisheba was the second most powerful god of the Urartian pantheon and was worshipped at the ancient Erebuni fortress. Bas relief reconstruction, K. Gianjian. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Culture Preserve, Yerevan)

Carved Ivory from Sam'al
Ivory during the early ion age at Sam'al was used to decorate precious furniture and cosmetics boxes and most of them, when found, were burnt and charcolized by fire. Egyptianized scenes were the predominant ones. 9th to 7th century BCE...

Ruined Walls of Erebuni Fortress
Surrounded by defensive walls - in parts up to 15 m (49 ft) in height and 3-4 m (10-13 ft) in width - Erebuni was accessible from an eastern entrance, which offered strategic views of the three-range defensive walls in addition to the Ararat...

Section of Walls, Erebuni Fortress
Founded in 782 BCE, Erebuni Fortress is older than the ancient city of Rome. The fortress was the chief administrative center for several generations of Urartian kings. It is considered by many historians and archaeologists to be the finest...

Lion-hunting Scene from Sakçagözü
This basalt wall relief depicts a lion-hunting scene. The soldier in front of the lion as well as the horse wear a body armor. The archer standing on the chariot is probably the ruler and is protected by the winged sun-disc above his head...