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Marble Altar Sacred to Dushares Puteoli
Image by Liana Miate

Marble Altar Sacred to Dushares Puteoli

Marble altar sacred to Dushares Puteoli. 1st century CE. Museo dei Campo Flegrei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia). A beautiful piece of Italian Carrrara marble fashioned into an altar to Dushares, a god of the Nabateans from...
A Fountain Head from Pompeii
Image by Liana Miate

A Fountain Head from Pompeii

A fountain head in the shape of a cupid riding a dolphin. The water spouted from the mouth of the dolphin. From a private garden in Pompeii. 1st century CE. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia...
Ointment Jar From Pompeii
Image by Liana Miate

Ointment Jar From Pompeii

Alabaster ointment jar from Pompeii. 1st century CE. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, (National Martime Museum, Sydney Australia). Alabaster was used frequently for ointment vessels as the stone preserved the contents.
Hand from A Roman Sculptor's Model
Image by Liana Miate

Hand from A Roman Sculptor's Model

A hand from a sculptor's model. Found in Baiae (Italy). 1st century CE. Museo dei Campo Flegrei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia). Marble copies of Greek masterpieces were in high demand to decorate villas, gardens and public...
Statue Of Hermanubis
Image by Liana Miate

Statue Of Hermanubis

This marble statue depicts Hermanubis, a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Anubis - both guides to the souls of the dead. Found in Baiae (Italy). 1st century CE. Museo dei Campo Flegrei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney...
Olive Oil Amphora From Africa
Image by Liana Miate

Olive Oil Amphora From Africa

Olive oil amphora from Africa and found at Ostia. 3rd century CE. Museo delle Navi Romane di Fiumicino. (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia) This amphora is stamped with its place of manufacture; Sullechtum in the Roman province...
Lamp with Crescent Moon Handle,  Pompeii
Image by Liana Miate

Lamp with Crescent Moon Handle, Pompeii

A ceramic lamp which features an image of the Egyptian god Zeus-Ammon above an eagle on the handle. Pompeii, 1st century CE. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia).
Running Leopard of Erebuni
Image by James Blake Wiener

Running Leopard of Erebuni

Secular and religious mural painting occupied a unique place in the Urartian culture. The palace and temple of Erebuni Citadel were richly decorated with multicolored and beautiful frescoes, covering around 2,000 square meters in surface...
Cuneiform Inscription of Arguishti
Image by James Blake Wiener

Cuneiform Inscription of Arguishti

The famed "Cuneiform of Arguishti," which celebrates his construction of the fortress of Erebuni in 782 BCE and his martial exploits in nearby regions. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Preserve, Yerevan, Armenia.)
Basalt Pillar with Cuneiform, Armenia
Image by James Blake Wiener

Basalt Pillar with Cuneiform, Armenia

An ancient balsalt pillar in the southeastern section of the Erebuni Fortress, located on the outskirts of present-day Yerevan, Armenia. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Preserve, Yerevan, Armenia.)