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Gold Etruscan Earrings, Populonia
Image by The British Museum

Gold Etruscan Earrings, Populonia

Gold earrings from the Etruscan city of Populonia in north-west Italy. 350-300 BCE. (British Museum, London)
Tomb of the Chariots, Populonia
Image by Roberto Zanasi

Tomb of the Chariots, Populonia

The Tomb of the Chariots at the Etruscan site of Populonia, north-west Italy. The side chambers of the tomb contained a chariot and two-wheeled carriage. Mid-7th to early 6th century BCE.
The Atrahasis III Tablet
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

The Atrahasis III Tablet

Old Babylonian clay tablet "Atrahasis III."
Image by David Stanley


Ruins of the Temple of Enlil at Nippur.
Etruscan Gold Coin
Image by Sailko

Etruscan Gold Coin

Etruscan gold coin from Populonia, 5th century BCE.
Etruscan Tomb at Populonia
Image by AlMare

Etruscan Tomb at Populonia

A stone Etruscan tomb from Populonia, north-western Italy. It is known as the 'Tomb of the Bronze Statuette of the Offering Bearer' after a figurine bearing an offering was excavated there. 530-500 BCE.
Dream of Solomon
Image by Web Gallery of Art

Dream of Solomon

A 17th century CE oil painting by Luca Giordano titled 'The Dream of Solomon' depicting the moment God gives the king of Israel his legendary wisdom.
Etruscan Bronze Mirror Showing Hercules
Image by The British Museum

Etruscan Bronze Mirror Showing Hercules

An Etruscan bronze mirror back showing the abduction of Miacuch by Hercules. 500-475 BCE. (British Museum, London)
Etruscan Bronze Mirror
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Etruscan Bronze Mirror

An Etruscan bronze mirror with an engraved scene depicting the gods Laran (Mars), Turan (Venus) Menrva (Minerva) and Aplu (Apollo) - all indicated by the inscription around the edge. 300-270 BCE. (National Etruscan Museum, Rome)
Etruscan Bronze Mirror with Nymph & Silenus
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Etruscan Bronze Mirror with Nymph & Silenus

An Etruscan bronze mirror with an engraved scene depicting a nymph and Silenus. 500 BCE. (National Etruscan Museum, Rome)