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Athenian Horseman Grave Stele
Image by James Blake Wiener

Athenian Horseman Grave Stele

The marble grave stele of an Athenian horseman. Attica, 370s BCE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Palmyra Grave Stele
Image by James Blake Wiener

Palmyra Grave Stele

A sandstone grave stelw from Palmyra, Syria. Known as the grave stele of Abkha, daughter of Akhou. 2nd century CE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Golenischev Aphrodite
Image by James Blake Wiener

Golenischev Aphrodite

The Golenischev Aphrodite. From Alexandria, Egypt, 4th-3rd century BCE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Greek Warriors Stele
Image by James Blake Wiener

Greek Warriors Stele

A marble stele depicting two Greek warriors. Taman Peninsula, 4th century BCE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Hermes, Knidos Vase
Image by James Blake Wiener

Hermes, Knidos Vase

An oinophoros from Knidos, Greece depicting Hermes. 2nd century CE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Etruscan Bucchero Vase
Image by James Blake Wiener

Etruscan Bucchero Vase

An Etruscan bucchero vase. Second half of the 6th century BCE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Image by Yash Shah


The Faiyum, an ancient oasis which flourished during the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. It is most famous today for the finds of many fine painted mummy coffin lids.
Women Checking Silk, Song China.
Image by Unknown Artist

Women Checking Silk, Song China.

Song Dynasty women inspecting a bolt of silk. 12th century CE. Painted on silk. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA)
Akhenaten & Nefertiti
Image by Elsie McLaughlin

Akhenaten & Nefertiti

Small, painted votive statue depicting the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his Great Wife Nefertiti holding hands, a notedly unusual pose in the art of the New Kingdom, c. 1345 BCE. The king wears the blue kheperesh crown, and the queen sports the...
Senusret III
Image by radiowood

Senusret III

Head of Senusret III. Egyptian 12th Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, Louvre, Paris.