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Woolly Mammoths
Image by Mauricio Antón

Woolly Mammoths

Artist's vision of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) in a late Pleistocene landscape in northern Spain. Mammoths were hunted by prehistoric humans.
Lake Turkana, Kenya
Image by Doron

Lake Turkana, Kenya

South island of Lake Turkana in Kenya, an area in which some of the earliest hominin (i.e. human species and their immediate ancestors) fossils and tools have been found.
Homo Erectus Skull
Image by hj_west

Homo Erectus Skull

Skull of Homo erectus found in Koobi Fora, Kenya, dated to ca. 1,8 million years old. (Smithsonian Natural History Museum, Washington, D.C.)
Cave Bear Skeleton
Image by Jan Dembowski

Cave Bear Skeleton

Skeleton of a cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) on display at the American Museum of Natural History. The cave bear lived in Europe during the Pleistocene and shared the stage with early humans up to around 24,000 years ago, when it went extinct.
The Great Fire of Rome, 64 CE.
Image by Hubert Robert

The Great Fire of Rome, 64 CE.

The Fire of Rome, 18 July 64 AD' by Hubert Robert, 1733-1808 CE. (Musee des Beaux-Arts Andre Malraux, Le Havre, France)
Linear A Script
Image by

Linear A Script

An example of a Minoan Linear A tablet.
Hipponax of Ephesus
Image by Unknown Artist

Hipponax of Ephesus

A 16th century CE engraving of Hipponax of Ephesus. ("Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum " published by Guillaume Rouille)
Xenophanes of Colophon
Image by Unknown Artist

Xenophanes of Colophon

A 17th century CE engraving of Xenophanes of Colophon, the Greek philosopher. (from Thomas Stanley's 'The History of Philosophy')
Lucius Varus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Lucius Varus

A marble bust of Roman Emperor Lucius Verus (r. 161-9 CE). From Tarraco, Spain. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Anchor Reconstruction
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Anchor Reconstruction

A reconstruction of a Roman ship's anchor. Late Imperial period. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)