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Roman Mosaic of Thalia
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Mosaic of Thalia

A Roman mosaic of Thalia, Muse of comedy. 2nd century CE, Tarraco. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Mosaic of Mnemosyne
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Mosaic of Mnemosyne

A Roman mosaic of the Titan Mnemosyne (Memory), mother of the nine Muses. 2nd century CE, Tarraco. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Mosaic of Euterpe
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Mosaic of Euterpe

A Roman mosaic of Euterpe, the Muse of lyric poetry, from Tarraco. 2nd century CE. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Tabernae, Tarraco
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Tabernae, Tarraco

Partially reconstructed tabernae (shops) in the Roman Forum of Tarraco (Tarragona, Spain). The Forum was in use from the 1st to 4th century CE.
Roman Basilica, Tarraco
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Basilica, Tarraco

Columns of the 1st century CE Basilica in the Roman Forum of Tarraco (Tarragona, Spain).
Denarius of Augustus with Crocodile
Image by Mark Cartwright

Denarius of Augustus with Crocodile

A Roman silver denarius coin depicting a crocodile and the legend AEGVPTO CAPTA. Reign of Augustus commemorating his victory in Egypt, 28-6 BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Praetorian Galley
Image by Mark Cartwright

Praetorian Galley

A Roman coin depicting a praetorian galley. Silver denarius of Mark Antony, 32-31 BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Citizen Voting
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Citizen Voting

A Roman coin depicting a citizen voting, silver denarius of L. Cassius Longinus, 63 BCE. Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain.
Coin of Julius Caesar with Elephant
Image by Mark Cartwright

Coin of Julius Caesar with Elephant

A silver denarius of Julius Caesar depicting an elephant commemorating his victory over the Gauls and Germanic tribes in 58 BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)
Roman Coin with Soldiers
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Coin with Soldiers

A Roman coin depicting two standing soldiers. Denarius of Caius Servilius, 1st century BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Tarragona, Spain)