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King David Writing Psalms
Image by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri

King David Writing Psalms

A 17th century CE artist's rendition of David inscribing one of his famous psalms. By Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (Guercino).
Gospel of John - Papyrus 52
Image by Photo Courtesy of JRUL

Gospel of John - Papyrus 52

An image of the ancient manuscript of the Gospel of John known as P52, or Papyrus 52. This is currently not only the oldest known manuscript of the Gospel of John, but the earliest known manuscript of the entire New Testament in general...
City Gate of Khirbet Qeiyafa
Image by Ricardo Tulio Gandelman

City Gate of Khirbet Qeiyafa

This is an image of the city gate of the ancient Judean and fortified city known as Khirbet Qeiyafa, primarily excavated by Sa'ar Ganor and Yosef Garfinkel. 11th-8th century BCE.
Mesha Stele - Moabite Stone
Image by Henri Sivonen

Mesha Stele - Moabite Stone

The Mesha Stele is an ancient tablet dating to around 850 BCE, written by Mesha, the king of Moab (modern Jordan). (Louvre Museum, Paris)
Egyptian Mummy in Wrappings
Image by John Tuttle

Egyptian Mummy in Wrappings

Embalmed female mummy, c. 1000 BCE. Inside Ancient Egypt exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago.
Egyptian Sarcophagus Lid
Image by John Tuttle

Egyptian Sarcophagus Lid

Here is a disfigured sarcophagus lid dating back to the 26th Dynasty of Ptolemaic Egypt (664 - 30 BCE). It is now part of the Inside Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Britain 383-410 CE
Image by Notuncurious

Britain 383-410 CE

Based on Jones & Mattingly's Atlas of Roman Britain; Mattingly's Imperial Possession; Higham's Rome, Britain, and the Anglo-Saxons; Frere's Britannia; and Snyder's An Age of Tyrants.
Vortigern meets Merlin
Image by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich

Vortigern meets Merlin

Detail from Lambeth Palace Library MS 6 folio 43v illustrating an episode in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. Unknown illustrator, c. 15th century CE.
Vortigern & Merlin
Image by PKM

Vortigern & Merlin

Merlin reads his prophecies to King Vortigern. British Library MS Cotton Claudius B VII f.224, Geoffrey of Monmouth's Prophetiae Merlini. Unknown illustrator, c. 1250-1270 CE.
Europe During the Last Glacial Maximum
Image by Merikanto

Europe During the Last Glacial Maximum

Europe during the most recent glacial, in which the ice sheets reached peak growth between c. 26.500 to c. 19,000 years ago. This is known as the Last Glacial Maximum. Sea levels were lower than today.