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Kukai Silk Portrait
A painted silk portrait of Kukai or Kobo Daishi (774-835 CE) who was a scholar, poet, and monk who founded Shingon Buddhism in Japan. 14th century CE. (Tokyo National Museum)

Knights of the Round Table
A 1475 CE depiction of the knights of the Round Table from Arthurian legend. Here they receive a vision of the Holy Grail. (Evrard d'Espinques, from folio 610v in Bibliothèque Nationale de France)

King Arthur by C.E.Butler
A depiction of King Arthur by Charles Ernest Butler (1864-1933)

Statue Of Bes
Statue of Bes. Probably late 18th Dynasty, about 1300 BCE. Said to be from Akhmim, Egypt. From The British Museum, (photo taken at The Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia) Several gods were associated with music, including Bes, the protector...

Egyptian Gold & Silver Bangle
Egyptian gold and silver bangle. Middle Kingdom of Egypt, c. 2055-1650 BCE. This bangle is decorated with alternating animal and amuletic motifs. They all have protective meanings: a snake seizes a turtle, a symbol of evil; the seated baboons...

Egyptian Gold Bracelets
Egyptian inlaid gold bracelets belonging to Prince Nimlot, one of the sons of Sheshonq I, the first king of the 22nd Dynasty. About 940 BCE. Said to be from Sa el-Haggar (Sais), Egypt. From The British Museum, (photo taken at The Powerhouse...

Funerary Stela of Deniuenkhonsu
Wooden funerary stela of Deniuenkhonsu, Singer of Amun-Ra. 22nd Dynasty, about 800 BCE. Probably from Thebes, Egypt. The British Museum, (photo taken at The Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia) Deniuenkhonsu is wearing a semi-transparent...

Susanoo & the Dragon
Wooden screen depicting the Shinto god Susanoo defeating the dragon with eight heads, 19th century. Susanoo was the god of storms and Yomi, the underworld.
Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas.

Barque of Ra
The solar barque of Ra. Outer Coffin of Isetemkheb D (Royal Cache TT 320, Deir el-Bahari), Egyptian Museum, CG 610031.

Dendera Temple Ceiling
Osiris, seated on a throne, sails across the sky as the personification of the full moon, accompanied by the seated goddesses Nephthys on left and Isis on the right; Ma'at stands near the bow of the ship.