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Shrine of Saint Bede the Venerable
Tomb of Bede the Venerable, Durham Cathedral.

Collected Works of Bede
This beautifully engraved title page from a 1612 edition of the collected works of St. Bede contains a wonderfully stern admonition pasted onto to it at the bottom that threatens excommunication for anyone who might misappropriate the book.

St. Petersburg Bede
Illuminated Anglo-Saxon manuscript, a near contemporary copy of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. Russian National Library, Saint Petersburg.

Bede the Venerable
St. Bede the Venerable (c. 673-735 CE), Westminster Cathedral.

Pagoda, To-ji Temple
The pagoda of the To-ji temple, Kyoto Japan. The temple was first built during the reign of Emperor Kammu (781-806 CE) and the pagoda added in 826 CE. It was subsequently destroyed by fires but then restored. It is the largest pagoda in Japan...

Seal of Tutankhamun's Tomb
The unbroken seal on the inner third shrine of Tutankhamun's tomb, c. 1327 BCE. Photo by Harry Burton, 1922.

Howard Carter & Tutankhamun
Howard Carter examining the sarcophagus and mummy of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (r. c. 1336 to c. 1327 BCE) in 1922.
New York Times Photo Archive.

Emperor Kammu
A 16th century CE portrait on silk of Japanese Emperor Kammu (r. 781 to 806 CE) who is most noted for relocating the capital to Heiankyo (Kyoto) in 784 CE. (Enryaku-ji Monastery, near Kyoto, Japan)

Stela Of Padikhered & Tasherimehet
Stela Of Padikhered and Tasherimehet, Ptolemaic Period, 332-30 BCE. Found in Akhmim, Egypt. The British Museum (photo taken at The Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia). This double stela was carved for two people - the scribe of Min...

Statue Of Khonsirdis
Statue of Khonsirdis, 26th Dynasty, 664-610 BCE. Provenance unknown. The British Museum, (photo taken at The Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia) Khonsirdis wears the typical trappings of a priest. His head is shaved and he wears a leopard...