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Samurai on Horseback
Image by Unknown Artist

Samurai on Horseback

A 16th century CE print showing a samurai on horseback. From the Night Attack on Yoshitsune.
Image by usiwakamaru


A modern statue of the legendary samurai Yoshitsune (1159-1189 CE). Mimosusogawa Park, Shimonoseki, Japan.
Maelius Before Cincinnatus
Image by Domenico Beccafumi

Maelius Before Cincinnatus

Ahala, master of the horse, presents the dead Melius to Cincinnatus the Dictator. 16th-century fresco by Domenico Beccafumi in Palazzo Pubblico, Siena.
Image by ohkylel @twitter


Statue of Cincinnatus in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mount Fuji, Aerial View
Image by Manish Prabhune

Mount Fuji, Aerial View

Mount Fuji, Japan's highest mountain and a place of pilgrimage for followers of Shinto.
Image by Chris Gladis


A statue of Nichiren outside Honnoji temple on Teramachi.
Dharma Wheel
Image by saamiblog

Dharma Wheel

The Dharmachakra (Skt: wheel of the law with eight spokes) represents the Eightfold Path (Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Actions, Right Occupation, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration). Konark Sun temple...
East Asia in 500 CE
Image by Stone Chen

East Asia in 500 CE

This map shows the territories of all major civilizations in East Asia in the year 500 CE. Italicized texts indicate nomadic bands or tribal societies.
Major Temples and Shrines of Japan circa 1200 CE, Kamakura Shogunate
Image by Stone Chen

Major Temples and Shrines of Japan circa 1200 CE, Kamakura Shogunate

This map depicts all major Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines of Japan around the year 1200 CE. Notice that many renowned temples (such as the famous Kinkaju-ji) have not yet been built at that time. The map highlights the city of Kamakura...
Kaguraden at the Ise Grand Shrine
Image by Fg2

Kaguraden at the Ise Grand Shrine

The kaguraden or dancing hall at the Ise Shinto shrine dedicated to Amaterasu. The site first had a shrine built in 4 BCE and is Japan's oldest Shinto shrine, as well as its most important.