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Menelaos & Helen
Image by Bibi Saint-Pol

Menelaos & Helen

A scene from a red-figure vase showing Menelaos re-capturing Helen during the Trojan War. 480 BCE. (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)
Zeus, Leto, Apollo & Artemis
Image by Ophelia2

Zeus, Leto, Apollo & Artemis

A relief showing Zeus and Leto with their offspring Apollo and Artemis to the right. 420-410 BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Brauron, Greece)
Dionysos & the Horae
Image by Jastrow

Dionysos & the Horae

A marble relief depicting the god Dionysos leading the Horae, personifications of the seasons in Greek mythology. 1st century CE Roman copy of an earlier Greek original. (Louvre Museum, Paris)
Attendant God Dedicated to Nabu
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Attendant God Dedicated to Nabu

Limestone statue of attendant god dedicated to Nabu by Adad-Nirari III and Sammuramat. The figure was dedicated to Nabu, the god of learning, in the temple of Ezida at Calah by the governor of Calah and other cities, for the life of the king...
Perseus & the Graeae
Image by Edward Burne-Jones

Perseus & the Graeae

A 19th century CE painting by Edward Burne-Jones depicting Perseus asking help of the three Graeae to find Medusa.
Gaia & Erichthonius
Image by Bibi Saint-Pol

Gaia & Erichthonius

A red-figure vase depicting the earth goddess Gaia giving the baby Erichthonius to Athena. 470-460 BCE. (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)
Atropos, One of the Fates
Image by Tom Oates

Atropos, One of the Fates

A relief depicting Atropos, one of the Fates of Greek mythology, cutting the thread of life.
Europa & Zeus
Image by Carole Raddato

Europa & Zeus

A red-figure vase depicting the abduction of Europa by Zeus, disguised as a bull. 350-340 BCE.
Dawn or Eos
Image by Bibi Saint-Pol

Dawn or Eos

A red-figure vase depicting Eos or Dawn riding her chariot across the sky. 430-420 BCE. (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)
Dog Figurine from Nimrud
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dog Figurine from Nimrud

Bronze statuette of a dog, part of the Nimrud dogs, a Neo-Assyrian collection of dog figurines found at Nimrud, currently on display in museums at Baghdad, Iraq; Cambridge, England; New York, America, and Melbourne, Australia. Metropolitan...