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Battle of Lake Erie, 1813
A depiction of the Battle of Lake Erie (10 September 1813).
US Navy, Washington D.C.
The Battle of Lake Erie
USS Niagara fires on the entangled British ships Detroit and Queen Charlotte at the climactic moment of the Battle of Lake Erie (10 September 1813), painting by Julian Oliver Davidson, 1887.
Erie Maritime Museum.
Battle of Lake Erie
A scene from the Battle of Lake Erie (10 September 1813) depicting Oliver Hazard Perry rowing from the Lawrence to the Niagara, oil on canvas by William Henry Powell, 1873.
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Oliver Hazard Perry
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, oil on wood panel by Gilbert Stuart and Jane Stuart, c. 1818-1828.
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio.
Ernest Stowe's Proposed Sydney Harbour Bridge Design
Proposed Sydney Harbour Bridge design by Francis Ernest Stowe, Australian architect and engineer, 1922. The three-span bridge design that would link Millers Point with Balls Head and Balmain, featuring a central tower that would be a war...
Painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge
A maintenance worker painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1945, photo by Alec Iverson.
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy ACP Magazines Ltd.
A Warship and the Sydney Harbour Bridge
The Java, a warship of the Dutch East Indies, berthing with the Sydney Harbour Bridge construction in the background, photo by Ted Hood, c. 1930-32.
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney.
The Eightfold Path In Buddhism
This infographic illustrates the Eightfold Path (आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्ग", Āryāṣṭāṅgamārga), a core teaching in Buddhism, established by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, over 2,500 years ago as a way to overcome suffering and achieve enlightenment...
Riggers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Riggers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge during its construction, photo by Ted Hood, 1931.
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney.
Norman Selfe's Winning Design
Proposed Sydney Harbour Bridge, watercolour on 3 sheets of paper, on canvas lining, by Norman Selfe, c. 1903. Norman Selfe (1839-1922) was an Australian engineer, naval architect, inventor, urban visionary. In 1902, he won a competition for...