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Portrait of Alexandre de Beauharnais
Image by Georges Rouget

Portrait of Alexandre de Beauharnais

Portrait of Alexander de Beauharnais, oil on canvas by Georges Rouget, 1834. Palace of Versailles.
Hevelius' Map of the Moon
Image by Bodleian Library

Hevelius' Map of the Moon

A map of the Moon's surface drawn in 1647 by Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687), the Polish astronomer. (Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Hevelius & Elisabeth Using a Sextant
Image by Unknown Artist

Hevelius & Elisabeth Using a Sextant

A 1673 print showing Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687), the Polish astronomer, and his wife Elisabeth examining the stars using a sextant. From Hevelius's Machinae Coelestis: Pars Prior, (1673), fig. M, facing p. 222.
Johannes Hevelius by Schultz
Image by Daniel Schultz

Johannes Hevelius by Schultz

A 1677 portrait by Daniel Schultz of Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687), the Polish astronomer. (Library of Polish Academy of Sciences, GdaƄsk)
Robert Boyle Portrait
Image by Wellcome Images

Robert Boyle Portrait

An engraving portrait of Robert Boyle (1627-1691), the Anglo-Irish chemist, physicist, and experimental philosopher. In the background is the scientist's celebrated air pump.
Boyle's Air Pump
Image by Unknown Artist

Boyle's Air Pump

The air pump commissioned by Robert Boyle (1627-1691) and built by Robert Hooke (1635-1703). The instrument was unique in that it allowed specimens to be placed in the glass ball and subjected to different air pressures. From an edition of...
Boyle's Notebook
Image by Royal Society, London

Boyle's Notebook

A leather-bound notebook belonging to Robert Boyle (1627-1691), the Anglo-Irish chemist, physicist, and experimental philosopher. (Royal Society, London)
Robert Boyle by Kerseboom
Image by Johann Kerseboom

Robert Boyle by Kerseboom

A 1689 portrait by Johann Kerseboom of Robert Boyle (1627-1691), the Anglo-Irish chemist, physicist, and experimental philosopher. (Science History Institute, Philadelphia)
Native American Medicine Bag
Image by Rowland B. Orr

Native American Medicine Bag

Native American medicine bag, illustration from the Annual Archaeological Report, 1915, by Rowland B. Orr, published in Ontario Sessional Papers, 1916, No. 17-18, 1916.
Medicine Bundle
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Medicine Bundle

Winnebago Medicine Bundle, Nebraska, United States, 1850-60. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.