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Plan, Temple of Apollo, Bassae
The floor plan and illustration of the cella of the Temple of Apollo at Bassae. 420-400 BCE.
Greek & Amazons, Frieze from Bassae
A frieze from the Temple of Apollo, Bassae, depicting a Greek fighting Amazons. 420-400 BCE. (British Museum, London)
Temple of Apollo, Bassae
The Temple of Apollo at Bassae, 420-400 BCE. Today the temple is protected by a permanent tent roofing.
Agamemnon, Relief of Samothrace
The relief of Samothrace, c. 550 BCE. An inscription identifies a procession of Agamemnon, a herald, and Epeios (maker of the Trojan Horse). To the right is a griffin, now defaced. (Louvre Museum, Paris)
Temple of the Great Gods, Samothrace
The temple of the Great Gods at their sanctuary on Samothrace. c. 340 BCE.
Nike of Samothrace
The Nike of Samothrace, c. 190 BCE. The statue was dedicated to the Great Gods at the sanctuary on Samothrace. (Louvre Museum, Paris)
A ceramic representation of the Punic goddess Tanit. From the necropolis of Elvissa, Ibiza. 5th-3rd century BCE. (Museu d'Arqueología de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Priestess of Isis on a Carthaginian Sarcophagus Lid
An illustration of a sarcophagus lid from Carthage depicting a priestess of Isis. (Carthage National Museum, Byrsa, Tunisia)
Shore Temple, Mahabalipuram
The Shore Temple of Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, India. Built between 700 and 728 CE during the reign of Narasimhavarman II, it is a remnant of a larger complex of temples and civil structures much of which lie under the depth of the sea now.
Stone of Destiny, Hill of Tara
The Neolithic Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny), Hill of Tara, County Meath, Ireland, by which the ancient kings were inaugurated.