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Reconstruction of Roman Temples
Image by Carole Raddato

Reconstruction of Roman Temples

This is the set of the TV series “Rome” showing the Roman Forum that you can visit at the Cinecittà studios in Rome. The series was filmed in various locations, but most notably in Cinecittà.
Fragment from the tomb of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh)
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Fragment from the tomb of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh)

This limestone fragment shows carpenters making funeral furniture at a quayside. The block came from a wall of the dismantled mastaba tomb-chapel of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh). From Saqqara, Egypt. 5th Dynasty, 2494 to 2345 BCE. The Petrie...
Egyptian Limestone Fragment with Kheker Frieze
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian Limestone Fragment with Kheker Frieze

Limestone block carved with a kheker frieze at the upper part, from Kopotos (Qift), Egypt, 1580-1550 BCE. At the lower middle part, we can see the the double plume headdress of the god Min; on its either side, the hieroglyphic inscriptions...
Fragment from pyramid of king Pepi I
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Fragment from pyramid of king Pepi I

This limestone block fragment came from the debris of the north wall of the antechamber within the pyramid of king Pepi (Pepy) I at Saqqara. The fragment contains 5 vertical columns of green-filled hieroglyphic inscriptions. The cartouche...
Slab of king Rahotep
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Slab of king Rahotep

This limestone fragment depicts a standing man, who faces to the right. The hieroglyphic inscriptions read "official of property of the king(or one known to the king) Rahotep". From Egypt, precise provenance is unknown. Old Kingdom, 2686-2181...
Egyptian Relief showing a butcher and an ox
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian Relief showing a butcher and an ox

This limestone fragment of a stela or a block from chapel wall depicts a butcher who cuts up a leg of beef. At the upper part, there is a pile of meat. Some of the the hieroglyphic inscriptions read "meat of ox". From Saqqara, Egypt. Old...
Egyptian stela of Sehetepibre and others
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian stela of Sehetepibre and others

On this sandstone stela, there are 10 lines of hieroglyphs inside the border line. The stela mentions the name of the guard of the bureau of fields, Sehetepibre (born of Ite). From the Tombs of The Courtiers at Abydos, Egypt. Middle Kingdom...
Slab of Pepi II king of Egypt
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Slab of Pepi II king of Egypt

This limestone slab was found beneath the sand of the Ptolemaic temple at Kopyos (Qift). At the left side, the figure of the king Pepi II looks to the right. Before him, the rope-border cartouche containing the birth-name and throne-name...
Ship and Sailors from ancient Egypt
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Ship and Sailors from ancient Egypt

This limestone fragment depicts a prow of a ship. There are sailors, facing right; the foremost sailor holds a pole or a spear. The ship was originally painted black while the sailors were painted red. From Egypt, precise provenance is unknown...
Egpytian Stela of the Nile-Flood god Hapy
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egpytian Stela of the Nile-Flood god Hapy

This limestone wall block depicts the Nile-Flood god Hapy who wears the plants of Upper Egypt; his head and shoulders are shown. He faces to the left and and brings offerings of hetep-mat, qebeh-jar, hes-jar and was-sceptre. From the foundations...