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Leshan Giant Buddha
Image by speedygroundhog

Leshan Giant Buddha

Construction of the famous Leshan Giant Buddha, an enormous statue of a Maitreya (a future Buddha) was started in 713 CE under Xuanzong's reign. A Buddhist monk named Hai Tong began the project to ward off evil spirits from the river at the...
Lady Yang Guifei
Image by T Chu

Lady Yang Guifei

Statue of Lady Yang Guifei (719-756 CE) at Huaqing Hotsprings.
Persephone & Hades
Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen

Persephone & Hades

A tondo from a red-figure kylix depicting Persephone and Hades. Vulci, c. 440-430 BCE. (British Museum, London)
Siege Warfare
Image by The Creative Assembly

Siege Warfare

An artist's rendition of what a siege attack may have looked like in the ancient world.
Demetrius I of Macedon
Image by Carole Raddato

Demetrius I of Macedon

Marble portrait bust of Demetrius I of Macedon, also called Poliorcetes, "The Besieger" (336-283 BCE), Roman copy from the 1st century CE of a Greek original from the 3rd century BCE (Naples National Archaeological Museum).
Coin of Demetrius I  of Macedon
Image by Carole Raddato

Coin of Demetrius I of Macedon

Tetradrachm portraying Demetrius I of Macedon (ruled 294 – 288 BCE). On the reverse, Poseidon stands left, foot on rock, holding trident. The Greek inscription reads ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ "King Demetrius". (Archaeological Museum, Pella)
Stela of Akhenaten
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stela of Akhenaten

This is the upper part of a limestone stela (with a cavetto cornice). There is a 1 line of horizontal hieroglyphic inscriptions, reading symmetrically from the center of the line; early cartouches of Aten can be recognized. Below, we can...
Reconstructed Gate of the Roman Fort Biriciana, Germany
Image by Carole Raddato

Reconstructed Gate of the Roman Fort Biriciana, Germany

The reconstructed gate of the Roman fort Biriciana in Weißenburg (Germany) along the Limes Germanicus. Biriciana was the garrison of the Ala I Hispanorum Auriana between the last years of the 1st century CE and the end of the Limes in the...
Reconstruction of Roman Temples
Image by Carole Raddato

Reconstruction of Roman Temples

This is the set of the TV series “Rome” showing the Roman Forum that you can visit at the Cinecittà studios in Rome. The series was filmed in various locations, but most notably in Cinecittà.
Fragment from the tomb of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh)
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Fragment from the tomb of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh)

This limestone fragment shows carpenters making funeral furniture at a quayside. The block came from a wall of the dismantled mastaba tomb-chapel of Tepemankh (Djadjamankh). From Saqqara, Egypt. 5th Dynasty, 2494 to 2345 BCE. The Petrie...