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Coyolxauhqui Head
Image by Alberto Martinez Subtil

Coyolxauhqui Head

Head of the Aztec Moon goddess Coyolxauhqui. From Tenochtitlan, carved during the reign of Ahuitzotl, 1486-1502 CE. Green diorite. (Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City)
Image by Dennis Jarvis


The 3.2m diameter stone disk which depicts the decapitated and dismembered corpse of Coyolxauhqui. According to Aztec mythology the war god Huitzilopochtli chopped up the goddess when she tried to lead a rebellion against the gods. Her head...
Djed Pillars
Image by Michael Tinkler

Djed Pillars

Djed pillars (representing stability) in Temple T of the Saqqara complex, Egypt.
Temple at the Step Pyramid, Saqqara
Image by Jay Galvin

Temple at the Step Pyramid, Saqqara

This temple at the Saqqara complex may have been built for embalming Djoser's body but was regularly used afterwards – at least during the Third Dynasty of Egypt – most probably as an offering site (there is a platform out front which seems...
Democritus & Protagoras
Image by Hermitage Museum

Democritus & Protagoras

A painting by Salvator Rosa (c. 1663 CE) depicting the two Greek philosophers Protagoras (right) and Democritus (centre). (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)
Famine Stele
Image by NeferTiyi

Famine Stele

The Famine Stele is an inscription from the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt (332-30 BCE), which tells the story of how King Djoser saved his country.
Image by tutincommon


Statue of Djoser, ruler in the Third Dynasty of Egypt, in his serdab.
Cicero Denounces Catiline
Image by Cesare Macari

Cicero Denounces Catiline

A fresco by Cesare Maccari (1840-1919 CE) depicting Roman senator Cicero (106-43 BCE) denouncing the conspirator Catiline in the Roman senate. (Palazzo Madama, Rome)
Image by Udimu


Statue of Khasekhemwy, ruler of the Second Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. The statue is located in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK.
Serpopards, Narmer Palette
Image by Unknown Artist

Serpopards, Narmer Palette

The side of the Narmer Palette with the two serpopards, c. 3100 BCE. (Egyptian Museum, Cairo)