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Titus Bust, Capitoline Museums
Image by Mark Cartwright

Titus Bust, Capitoline Museums

A 1st century CE bust of Roman emperor Titus, reign 79-81 CE. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Perseus & Andromeda
Image by Mark Cartwright

Perseus & Andromeda

A Roman marble relief panel depicting Perseus and Andromeda. 2nd century CE. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Image by Mark Cartwright


A marble bust of a youthful Caracalla, Roman emperor 211-217 CE. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Scipio Africanus the Elder
Image by Mark Cartwright

Scipio Africanus the Elder

A marble bust of Roman general Scipio Africanus the Elder, 236-183 BCE. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Sphinx of Amasis
Image by Mark Cartwright

Sphinx of Amasis

A basanite statue of a sphinx with the features of pharaoh Amasis. 26th Dynasty, 568-526 BCE. From the Temple of Isis in the Campus Martius, Rome. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Monkey Statue, Egypt
Image by Mark Cartwright

Monkey Statue, Egypt

A statue of a monkey, Egypt, 30th Dynasty, 359-341 BCE. From the temple of Isis in the Campus Martius, Rome. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Image by Mark Cartwright


A marble statue of Marsyas, he who, in Greek mythology, challenged Apollo to a music contest and was flayed alive for his audacity. Found in Rome, early Roman imperial age copy of a 2nd century BCE Greek original. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Maenad Relief, Capitoline Museums
Image by Mark Cartwright

Maenad Relief, Capitoline Museums

A Pentelic marble relief depicting a dancing Maenad. From a circular monument, Roman copy of a 5th century BCE Greek original by Kallimachos. (Capitoline Musuems, Rome)
Hadrian in Military Armour
Image by Mark Cartwright

Hadrian in Military Armour

A chalk copy of a marble original statue depicting Hadrian (r. 117-138 CE) in military armour and laurel wreath of victory. He stands with his foot on a defeated enemy, probably a Parthian. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Head of a Centaur
Image by Mark Cartwright

Head of a Centaur

A marble head of a centaur, 1st century CE. Found in Rome near Piazza Vittorio Emmanuele. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)