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Roman Hunt Mosaic
A floor mosaic from Roman Utica (modern Tunisia) depicting a hunt in marshlands, 200-225 CE. (British Museum, London)

Carthaginian Mercenaries
An artist's impression of how a troop of Carthaginian mercenaries may have appeared in battle formation.

Agathocles of Syracuse
A gold coin from Syracuse depicting the tyrant Agathocles, 310-300 BCE. (Palazzo Blu, Pisa)

Fury, Phaedra & Hippolytos
A red-figure vase depicting one of the Furies hovering over Hippolytos, an attendant, and Phaedra. 330-310 BCE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

Orestes Pursued by a Fury
A red-figure vase depicting Orestes being pursued by one of the Furies at Delphi after he murdered his mother Clytemnestra. From Paestum, 330 BCE. (British Museum, London)

Hamilcar Barca
Carthaginian silver dishekel. The head has been identified as Hamilcar Barca (c. 285 – c. 228 BCE). Minted in Carthago Nova, Spain, 237-227 BCE.

Apollo Holding a Kithara
In this elaborately carved figure, the iconographical features of both Apollo and Dionysos, the wine god, have been fused.; the slipping himation and the sensual treatment of the flesh are typical of Dionysos, while the kithara and quiver...

Grave Stela of Exakestes
This is a marble grave stela of Exakestes, son of Androboulos, and his wife Metries. The deceased are shown in the pedimental arch (naiskos), upon which are carved two wreaths inscribed "The People". These indicate that both husband and wife...

Grave Stela of Lenaios
This is a marble grave stela of Lenaios, son of Artemidoros. The deceased image is shown as a banqueter, which belies in his military occupation in life, as indicated in the inscription "As I guarded the tower in battle, oh passer-by, shall...

Wall Block Inscribed with the Name of Alexander the Great
Marble wall block from the temple of Athena Polias at Priene, inscribed with the name of Alexander the Great, c. 334-330 BCE. The British Museum, London. Around 340 BCE, the inhabitants of Priene were laying out their new city, terraced...