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Empress Theodora & Her Court
Image by Carole Raddato

Empress Theodora & Her Court

A 6th century CE mosaic depicting Empress Theodora and her court in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna.
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna
Image by Carole Raddato

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna

General view of the interior of the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna with her sarcophagus in the middle. Galla Placidia (388-450 CE) was the daughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I.
Temple of Artemis, Sardis
Image by Carole Raddato

Temple of Artemis, Sardis

The ruins of the Temple of Artemis in Sardis in Lydia (modern-day western Turkey), originally built by the Greeks in 300 BCE and later renovated by the Romans in the 2nd century CE. The Temple of Artemis in Sardis was the fourth largest Ionic...
King Tang of Shang
Image by Ma Lin

King Tang of Shang

King Tang of Shang Dynasty as imagined by Song Dynasty painter Ma Lin. Hanging scroll, color on silk. Size 249.2 x 111.4 cm (height x width). Painting is located in the National Palace Museum, Taipei.
Chinese Oracle Bone
Image by BabelStone

Chinese Oracle Bone

Oracle bone from the reign of King Wu Ding (late Shang dynasty).
Egyptian Fish Coffin
Image by Mark Cartwright

Egyptian Fish Coffin

A wooden coffin shaped in the form of a Nile bolti fish and containing the mummified remains of a fish. Dynasty XXX-XXXI, 4th century BCE. (Egytpian Museum, Turin)
Anubis, Thoth, & Horus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Anubis, Thoth, & Horus

Wooden figures of the Egyptian gods Anubis (jackal), Thoth (ibis), and Horus (falcon). Holes in their bases suggest they were carried on poles as standards for use during funeral processions. Ptolemaic Period, 3rd-2nd century BCE. (Egyptian...
Egyptian Cartonnage Mummy Face
Image by Mark Cartwright

Egyptian Cartonnage Mummy Face

A painted linen cartonnage face from an Egyptian female mummy. Third Intermediate Period of Egypt, 21st-22nd Dynasty, 1070-736 BCE. Egyptian Museum, Turin.
Image by Mark Cartwright


A diorite sculpture of pharoah Merenptah as the Divine Father and Priest of Bastet. Memphis, Dynasty XXV, 720-700 BCE. (Egytpian Museum, Turin)
Stele of Neskhonsupakhered
Image by Mark Cartwright

Stele of Neskhonsupakhered

The stucco and painted wood Stele of Neskhonsupakhered. The deceased wears a transparent robe and approaches the god Harakhty on his throne. Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty XXI-XXII, 1070-736 BCE. (Egyptian Museum, Turin)