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Mesopotamian Cylinder Naming Nabonidus & Sacred Buildings
Clay cylinder with Babylonian characters, recording the restoration of Sin's ziggurat at Ur and also asking him to protect Nabonidus and his son Belshazzar. From Ur, Southern Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. Neo-Babylonian Period, reign of Nabonidus...

Mesopotamian Tablet Naming Belshazzar
This adminsitrative document is dated to the "24th day of Kislimu in the 11th year Nabonidus, King of Babylon". It mentions "a slave of Bel-sharra-usur (Belshazzar),son of the king". Although Belshazzar is acting as regent, the formal date...

Mesopotamian Tablet on Marduk
Babylonian tablet, a scholar speculating on how powerful, independent Mesopotamian gods can be seen as aspects of the god Marduk. From Babylon, Southern Mesopotamia, Iraq. Neo-Babylonian Period, reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, 605-562 BCE. The...

Nebuchadnezzar's Right Hand Man
The Chief Eunuch, Nabu-sharrusu-ukin, rab sha-reshi, donated gold to the Marduk Temple at Babylon. His name and title occur as Nebo-Sarsekim, rab-saris, in Hebrew in the Book of Jeremiah. He probably met the prophet Jeremiah at Nebuchadnezzar's...

Classical Columns, Tharros.
Two standing Roman columns on Tharros, Sardinia, originally a Phoenician colony.

Bronze Hypocephalus of Djedhor
Hypocephali are inscribed discs usually of plastered linen and less frequently of papyrus or bronze, which were placed beneath the heads of mummies in the Late/Ptolemaic Periods. The texts written on them were taken from spell 162 of the...

Linen Hypocephalus
Hypocephali are inscribed discs usually of plastered linen and less frequently of papyrus or bronze, were placed beneath the heads of mummies in the Late/Ptolemaic Periods. The texts written on them were taken from spell 162 of the Egyptian...

Pottery Jar with Ankh Sign
A pottery jar with three painted representations of the ankh sign with 2 arms holding 2 was scepters. From the New Kingdom of Egypt, Ramesside Period, 1292-1069 BCE.
The British Museum, London.

Faience Drinking Cup from the 18th Dynasty
This is a faience (bluish-green) drinking cup. The cup's exterior surface was elaborated with incised decoration representing lotus flower petals. From Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BCE. (The British Museum, London)

Canopic Jars of Neskhons
Calcite canopic jars of Neskhons (21st Dynasty) with painted wooden lids representing the Four Sons of Horus.