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Black-top Pot from Naqada
This is black-top pot (type B) and was found in tomb 1817 at Naqada. From Naqada, Egypt. Naqada I Period, 4400–3500 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (with thanks to The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL).

Bowl from El-Badari Period
This pottery bowl (brown with a rough surface) was found in tomb 5769. From El-Badari, Egypt. El-Badari Period, 5000-4000 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (with thanks to The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL...

Naqada I Keeled Pot
This is a white cross-lined pottery keeled pot with white lines around the keel (type C). From Egypt. Naqada I Period, 4400–3500 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (with thanks to The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology...

Egyptian Pottery Soul House
Redware pottery depicting the so-called "soul house", from E-Kab, Egypt, 11th to 12th Dynasties, 2024-1700 BCE. It has flattened pellets representing a loop of wood. One of the two pillars which supports the roof is lost. Mr. Petrie thought...

Egyptian Balla Pottery
Ballas ware ovoid pottery pot; they had constricted neck and almost vertical collar above. The surface was incised with decorations. From tomb 263 at El-Kab, Egypt. 12th Dynasty, 1991–1803 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London...

Egyptian Pot in the form of a Mourning Woman
This is a hollow pottery statuette. It depicts a woman mourning; she holds her hands to her head. The statuette is red with a white slip (inverted). From Dandera, Egypt. 11th Dynasty, 2061–1991 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology...

Egyptian Anthropomorphic Pot
This is a redware pot. It depicts a woman with breasts and arms; she holds a spout (which is lost). There is a hole at the back of the pot for filling. From Egypt. Middle Kingdom, 2061 to 1690 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology...

Lamp From Diopolis Parva
This is a redware pottery lamp which was done in the form of a granary with a separate door. It has a red slip on the door and around. From Diopolis Parva, Egypt. 2nd Intermediate Period, 1650-1550 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology...

Jar with Signs of Early Egyptian kings
This is a cylinder pottery jar (Type 50 B, pinkware). The name of King KA (and contents) was brushed on the jar using a black ink. King KA ruled just before the 1st Dynasty in Egypt. In general, few vessels from this period bore the name...

Li Po Writing Poetry
17th-century, woodcut recreation of Li Po writing 100 verses while drinking a quart of wine seated on the veranda with a group of men.