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Euclid of Alexandria
Image by Unknown Artist

Euclid of Alexandria

An illustration of Euclid of Alexandria, the 4th century BCE mathematician.
Bust of Marcus Annaeus Lucanus
Image by Cruccone

Bust of Marcus Annaeus Lucanus

Bust of the Roman poet Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (CE 39-65). Grandson of Seneca the Elder and nephew of Seneca the Younger, was a Roman statesman and Latin poet. The sculpture can be found in his birthplace, Corduba (modern day Córdoba, Spain...
Depiction of Metonic cycle
Image by Dbachmann

Depiction of Metonic cycle

Depiction of the 19 years of the Metonic cycle as a wheel, with the Julian date of the Easter New Moon, from a 9th-century computistic manuscript made in St. Emmeram's Abbey.
Plan of Hadrian's Library
Image by Robert H.Consoli

Plan of Hadrian's Library

A plan of the Library of Hadrian, Athens. c.132-134 CE. Later churches constructed at the centre of the complex are also indicated.
Library of Hadrian, East Wall
Image by Carole Raddato

Library of Hadrian, East Wall

The Library of Hadrian in Athens showing the eastern end wall of the peristyle court. The room with the niches (now under scaffolding) would have been the library proper, where ancient scrolls were stored. c. 132-134 CE.
Capital, Library of Hadrian
Image by Mark Cartwright

Capital, Library of Hadrian

A Corinthian capital from the north facade of the Library of Hadrian, Athens. c. 132-134 CE
Facade, Library of Hadrian, Athens
Image by Mark Cartwright

Facade, Library of Hadrian, Athens

The north facade of the Library of Hadrian, Athens. c. 132-134 CE
Attic Calendar
Image by The Warburg Institute Iconographic Database

Attic Calendar

Fragments of Attic Calendar re-used in the church facade. According to Deubner first Thargelion, then Gemini, then Skirophorion, then the sacrifice of an oxen at the Dipolieia, then Cancer, then Hekatombaion, then a personification of Theoria...
Invasions of the Roman Empire
Image by MapMaster

Invasions of the Roman Empire

A map illustrating the various invasions suffered by the Western Roman Empire between 100 and 500 CE.
Image by Peter Paul Rubens


Detail from Saturn Devouring a Son, oil on canvas by Peter Paul Rubens, 1636. Museo del Prado, Madrid.