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Egyptian Pilgrim Bottle
Gold-mounted alabaster pilgrim bottle. It has a silver foot and was incised with blue-filled cartouches of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari. From Thebes, Egypt. 19th Dynasty, 1292–1189 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian...

Meroe Pottery Bowl
This is a painted cream-ware pottery bowl. It was reconstructed from fragments and has a rounded base, The interior was painted with brown vine stems and leaves. The exterior surface was painted with leaf motifs between parallel sets...

Cosmetic Spoon
Wooden cosmetic spoon in the form of an ankh. The stem was depicted as a flowering papyrus stalk held by two figures of Bes (facing inwards). There is a green-blue paste inlay. From the tomb of the governor Menena at Sedment, Egypt, 18th...

Meroitic Pottery Flask
This is a red burnished globular flask with a wide mouth. The flask has been incised with decoration of horizontal bands at the neck and shoulder above an impressed design of triangles. From cemetery 300 at Meroe, Sudan. Meroitic period...

Christian Pilgrim Bottle
This is a pinkish pottery bottle, through which Christian pilgrims took water from the healing spring of St. Menas near Alexandria. From Alexandria, Egypt. Byzantine period, 4th to 7th centuries CE. Unpublished. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian...

Stela of Ihefy & Horus
This painted wooden stela depicts a man (his name is identified as Ihefy and his title was "the doorkeeper of the house of Amun") adoring the hawk-headed god Horus. Horus sits on a throne and holds a flail. There is a red and blue lotus bloom...

Stela of Neskhons Queen of Pinezem II
This painted wooden stela depicts a woman whose name was identified as Neskhons; she was the wife of the High Priest of Amun Pinedjem (II). On the right side, Neskhons looks to the left and makes an offerring to the god Osiris. There are...

Roman Glass Serving Dish
A Roman serving dish, probably for sauces, in blue glass. 1st-2nd century CE. (Archaeological Museum of Como, Italy)

Roman Bronze Cooking Pot
A Roman bronze cooking pot, 1st century CE. (Archaeological Museum of Como, Italy)

Silver Didrachm Campania
A silver didrachm from the mint of Campania. The design shows a bull with a human head, 325-241 BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Como, Italy)