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Model of the Agora of Athens
Image by Mark Cartwright

Model of the Agora of Athens

A model of the agora of Athens at its maximum extension during the 2nd century CE. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Model of the Athenian Acropolis
Image by Mark Cartwright

Model of the Athenian Acropolis

A model of the Athenian acropolis in the 5th century BCE. The monumental Propylaea gives access to the Parthenon (centre) and the Erechtheion (left side). (Agora Museum, Athens)
Meleager & the Calydonian Boar
Image by Mark Cartwright

Meleager & the Calydonian Boar

A scene from a Roman sarcophagus depicting the Greek hero Meleager fighting the Calydonian boar. From Nea Ionia (Treis Gefyres). 2nd century CE. (Archaeological Museum, Piraeus, Athens)
Image by Mark Cartwright


Detail of a statue of Roman emperor Balbinus (Decimus Coelius Balbinus), r. 238 CE. (Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, Athens)
Egyptian Djed
Image by Mark Cartwright

Egyptian Djed

A gilded wooden and faience djed amulet (symbol of stability) from the tomb of Queen Nefertari, 19th Dynasty, 1279-1213 BCE. Egyptian Museum, Turin.
Minhotep & Nakhtmin Relief Stele
Image by Mark Cartwright

Minhotep & Nakhtmin Relief Stele

A sandstone relief stele depicting in the top panel Minhotep and his son Nakhtmin making offerings to Hathor, Anubis, and Osiris. The middle panel shows Minhotep and his wife Nefertari. The bottom panel shows Nakhtmin and his wife Sekhmet...
Thutmosis III
Image by Mark Cartwright

Thutmosis III

A diorite statue of Thutmosis III. From the Temple of Amun, Thebes. Dynasty XVIII, 1479-1425 BCE. (Egyptian Museum, Turin)
Ramesses II Seated Statue, Thebes
Image by Mark Cartwright

Ramesses II Seated Statue, Thebes

Statue of a seated Ramesses II, holding the royal sceptre and wearing the khepresh war helmet, from the Temple of Amun, Thebes, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, 1279-1213 BCE. Egyptian Museum, Turin.
Bronze coin 6-4 BCE
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Bronze coin 6-4 BCE

Bronze coin minted in Berytus, showing Augustus on one side and two aquilae between two standards on the back. The obverse inscription reads Imperator Caesar Augustus, the reverse Publius Quinctilius Varus.
The Moon
Image by Frode Steen

The Moon

The full Moon.