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Juno Ludovisi
The Juno Ludovisi was once part of a colossal marble statue and has actually been idnetified by some scholars as either an idealized statue of Antonia Minor, the mother of Roman emperor Claudius or Livia, the wife of Augustus. (Palazzo Altemps...

Osiris Marble Statue
A 2nd century CE Roman marble statue of the Egyptian god Osiris. (Palazzo Altemps, Rome)

Demosthenes, Palazzo Massimo
A marble bust of the Greek orator Demosthenes. 2nd century CE copy of an earlier Greek original. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)

Roman Sea Fauna Fresco
A fragment of a Roman wall painting depicting sea fauna. From Rome, 125-150 CE. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)

Marcus Aurelius, Palazzo Massimo
A marble bust of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 - 180 CE). From the Villa Adriana, Tivoli. 160-169 CE. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)

Roman Auriga (Gladiator Slave)
A marble bust of a Roman Auriga, a gladiator slave. 253-268 CE. Found in piazza della Chiesa Nuova, Rome. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)

Silenus Statue
A marble statue of Silenus, the satyr who tutored Dionysos in Greek mythology. A 2nd century CE copy of an earlier Greek original. From via Flavia, Rome. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)

Actor with Mask of Silenus
A marble sculpture depicting a Greek actor wearing the mask of Silenus, the satyr who tutored Dionysos in Greek mythology. Such a mask would have been worn by the leader of the chorus in Greek Satyr plays. Possibly part of the decoration...

Apollo Statue, Palazzo Massimo
A marble statue of Apollo showing his familiar attributes of a quiver slung over his shoulder, the snake, and the laurel. From an imperial villa in Rome. 2nd century CE classicizing copy of a 4th century BCE Greek original. (Palazzo Massimo...

Socrates Bust, Palazzo Massimo
A pentelic marble portrait bust of Greek philosopher Socrates. 1st century CE copy of an earlier Greek original. Found in Piazza Venezia, Rome during public works. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)