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Red-Figure Satyr
Image by Mark Cartwright

Red-Figure Satyr

The tondo of a red-figure kylix depicting a Satyr riding a donkey. c. 510 BCE. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Bronze Chalcidian Helmet
Image by Mark Cartwright

Bronze Chalcidian Helmet

Bronze Chalcidian helmet, 6th Century BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Piraeus)
Satyr Marble Bust
Image by Mark Cartwright

Satyr Marble Bust

A detail of a marble satyr, c. 150 BCE. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Ivory Statuette of Apollo
Image by Mark Cartwright

Ivory Statuette of Apollo

An ivory statuette of Apollo Lykeios, 3rd Century BCE. The statuette was restored after being found in 200 pieces at the bottom of a well. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Athlete Perfume Bottle
Image by Mark Cartwright

Athlete Perfume Bottle

A perfume bottle in the form of a Greek athlete in the action of tying a victory ribbon around his head. c. 540 BCE. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Ivory Pyxis
Image by Mark Cartwright

Ivory Pyxis

A Greek ivory pyxis depicting griffins attacking stags. 15th Century BCE. (Agora Museum, Athens)
Aztec Warriors
Image by Unknown

Aztec Warriors

Aztec warriors in typical costume of elite ranks with back racks displaying group insignia. They each carry an obsidian-bladed spear. From the Codex Mendoza, folio 67. (Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Aztec Eagle Warrior
Image by Dennis Jarvis

Aztec Eagle Warrior

An almost life-size terracotta Aztec Eagle Warrior, one of the elite warrior groups in the Aztec military. 13-15th century CE, from Tenochtitlan. (National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City)
Gold Death Mask, Mycenae
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gold Death Mask, Mycenae

Beaten gold death mask from Grave Circle A, Mycenae, 16th century BCE. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)
Gold Mycenaean Burial Mask
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gold Mycenaean Burial Mask

Beaten gold death mask from Grave Circle A, Mycenae, 16th century BCE. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)