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Germanicus Marble Bust
Image by Carole Raddato

Germanicus Marble Bust

Marble head of Germanicus, found in 1844 in the heart of the city of Beziers (France) where the ancient Forum of Colonia Julia Baeterrae Septimanorum stood. Ca. 14-23 CE. Now in Musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse.
Bust of Germanicus mutilated by Christians
Image by Carole Raddato

Bust of Germanicus mutilated by Christians

Basalt bust of the great Roman general Germanicus, from Egypt, about 14-20 CE. In late antiquity Christians broke the nose of the bust and carved a cross on the forehead. Now in British Museum, London.
Second-style Pompeian Fresco
Image by Carole Raddato

Second-style Pompeian Fresco

Second-style Pompeian fresco in the House of Augustus (Domus Augusti) on the Palatine Hill in Rome. The vividly-coloured fresco depicts a two-storey architectural facade in blue, white, yellow and red with perspective rendition of colonnades...
Drusus Julius Caesar
Image by Carole Raddato

Drusus Julius Caesar

Drusus Julius Caesar (Drusus the Younger) was was the only child of Roman Emperor Tiberius and his first wife, Vipsania Agrippina. He was also a maternal cousin of the Caligula, a paternal cousin of Claudius and a second cousin of Nero...
Mosaic in Opus Vermiculatum
Image by Carole Raddato

Mosaic in Opus Vermiculatum

Roman mosaic with white tesserae featuring a central panel (emblema) in opus vermiculatum (micro tesserae), Floor of the triclinium of a Roman villa in Via Ardeatina in Rome, first quarter of the 1st century BCE. The above panel depicts...
2013 image of labelled wine jars in first Tel Kabri wine cellar towards the southeast
Image by Eric H. Cline

2013 image of labelled wine jars in first Tel Kabri wine cellar towards the southeast

An image of the wine pithos at Tel Kabri's Area D-West in situ during the 2013 excavation. The pithos were excavated out after the photo and this storage room is now covered over for conservation purposes. For purposes of the excavation...
The Punishment of Marsyas
Image by Carole Raddato

The Punishment of Marsyas

Statue in red marble depicting the punishment of Marsyas, a satyr who dared challenge Apollo to a music contest. Marsyas lost and Apollo had him tied to a tree and flayed him alive. The statue was found at the Villa Vignacce in southeastern...
Tauroctony Relief
Image by Carole Raddato

Tauroctony Relief

Tauroctony relief in white marble depicting Mithras slaying the bull in a grotto. It was found South of Monastero near Aquileia (Italy). Now in Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum, Austria. From the 2nd half of 2nd century CE.
Great Cameo of France
Image by Carole Raddato

Great Cameo of France

The Great Cameo of France is a five-layered sardonyx cameo divided into three levels which depicts members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, circa 23 CE. The Great Cameo of France is the largest cameo to survive from the ancient world. It...
Tel Kabri location within Israel
Image by Jackmcbarn. Jackmcbarn's derivative work is based on original work by Wikipedia user NordNordwest.

Tel Kabri location within Israel

A map showing the location of Tel Kabri within the borders of the modern State of Israel.