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Man & Dog Plaque, Sippar
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Man & Dog Plaque, Sippar

This clay plaque depicts a striding man who leads a large dog (domestic scene?). From Sippar (modern-day Tell Abu Hubba, Babel Governorate, Iraq), Mesopotamia. Old-Babylonian period, 2000-1600 BCE. (The British Museum, London).
Colossal Guardian Lion from Nimrud
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Colossal Guardian Lion from Nimrud

This giant statue was found at the temple of Ishtar, Sharrat-niphi, and guarded the entrance into this temple. The cuneiform inscriptions on the statue mention the name of Ashurnasirpal II as the temple's builder. This lion was one of a pair...
Stone Weight from Sippar
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stone Weight from Sippar

The inscription, unusually for a weight, is cut in reverse. It mentions that this stone weight was dedicated to the temple of Shamash, the sun god, at Sippar. It precisely gives the weight as 10 mina, 15 shekels, a little more than 5 kilograms...
Terracotta Plaque Dedicated to Gula
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Terracotta Plaque Dedicated to Gula

This fragment was part of a large terracotta plaque which depicts a bull in front of a tree. The cuneiform inscriptions on the bull's thigh mention that the plaque was dedicated by a man named Sin-Eriba to Gula, goddess of healing. From Mesopotamia...
Foundation Figurine of Ur-Nammu
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Foundation Figurine of Ur-Nammu

This is a close-up image of the upper part of a copper figurine of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur. The lower half of this foundation figurine is not shown but it was inscribed with cuneiform inscriptions which mention that the figurine is dedicated...
Foundation Tablet of Ur-Nammu
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Foundation Tablet of Ur-Nammu

The cuneiform inscriptions on this tablet mention the name of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur and founder of the Sumerian 3rd dynasty of Ur. From the temple of Inanna at Uruk, southern Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. Neo-Sumerian period, 2112-2095 BCE.
Face of a Colossal Figure from Nineveh
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Face of a Colossal Figure from Nineveh

This carved stone face probably belonged to a head of a sphinx. The Assyrian king Sennacherib ordered several colossal statues to be made in his new palace. Such giant statues were thought to have a supra-natural protective power. From the...
Inscribed Giant River-worn Pebble
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Inscribed Giant River-worn Pebble

The cuneiform inscriptions mention that Enannatum, king of Lagash, reminds the gods of his prolific temple building achievements in the city of Lagash. From Girsu (modern-day Tell Telloh, Dhi-Qar Governorate, Iraq), Mesopotamia. Early dynastic...
Coin of Bagadates
Image by Classical Numismatic Group

Coin of Bagadates

Coin of Bagadates (Persian Bagdan), third or four frataraka ruler of Persis in the 3rd century BCE. AR Tetradrachm. Obverse: Diademed head of Bagadates right, wearing kyrbasia and pendant earring. Reverse. Bagadates seated left on high...
Hercules and Aramaic Inscription from Behistoun
Image by dynamosquito

Hercules and Aramaic Inscription from Behistoun

According to its Greek inscription, the rock relief representing Hercules at Behistun was carved in 148 BCE , being dedicated to a local Seleucid governor called Kleomenes. The Aramaic inscription says: "In year 164, in the month of Panemos...