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Image by John William Waterhouse


Lamia, oil on canvas by John William Waterhouse, 1909, based on the Keats poem Lamia from 1820. Lamia was an ancient Greek precursor to vampires. Private collection.
Pyxis (Cosmetic Box)
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Pyxis (Cosmetic Box)

A middle Corinthian Pyxis (cosmetic box) that shows friezes of lions, sirens, sphinxes and birds. At the rim there are female heads protruding. Circa 600-575 BCE, attributed to the Honolulu Painter. British Museum, London, GR 1873.10-12.1...
Bronze statue of Hadrian
Image by Carole Raddato

Bronze statue of Hadrian

Bronze statue of Hadrian, found at the Camp of the Sixth Roman Legion in Tel Shalem (Israel). It was found by chance by an American tourist in 1975 while searching for ancient coins with a metal detector. Tel Shalem was once occupied by a...
Ghost Festival, China
Image by Mister Bijou

Ghost Festival, China

The Hungry Ghost festival continues to be celebrated in China on the fifteenth night of the seventh month, when it is thought that the dead can cross over into the land of the living because the veil that separates the two worlds is thinnest...
Roman Gold & Saphire Ring
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Gold & Saphire Ring

Roman gold and saphire ring, second half of the 2nd century CE. The ring has a garnet centre stone. From an unidentified marble sarcophagus in Rome. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)
Pakal the Great & Xibalba
Image by Marcellina Rodriguez

Pakal the Great & Xibalba

A reproduction of the sarcophagus lid of the Maya ruler of Palenque, King Pakal the Great, also known as K'inich Janaab' Pacal (23 March 603 CE - 31 March 683 CE). In this detail the king is falling into the terrible jaws of the Maya underworld...
Gold & Garnet Ring, Agrigento
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gold & Garnet Ring, Agrigento

A gold and garnet ring from Agrigento, Sicily, 3rd century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Agrigento).
Mycenaean Octopus Brooch
Image by Mark Cartwright

Mycenaean Octopus Brooch

A gold Mycenaean brooch in the form of an octopus, Mycenae, mid 2nd millenium BCE. (Archaeological Museum, Mycenae)
Image by Mark Cartwright


Theodoric (known as Theodoric the Great and Flavius Theodoricus, 451 or 454 - 526 CE), the king of the Ostrogoths and Roman emperor 493-526 CE.
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin


An alabaster pendant in the shape of a bird. From southern Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. Circa 3000 BCE. The Burrell Collection, Glasgow, Scotland. UK.