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Greek Terracotta Comedy Mask
A terracotta comedy mask, 200-250 BCE. (Agora Museum, Athens)

Roman Priest
A portrait bust of a Roman priest wearing his laurel wreath. 235-245 CE. (Agora Museum, Athens)

Ailius Verus
A portrait bust of Ailius Verus, 2nd century CE. Ailius Verus was the adopted heir of Hadrian but died before succession. (Agora Museum, Athens)

Sekomata (Liquid Measuring Table)
A sekomata used to measure standard quantities of liquids. From the agora of Piraeus. (Archaeological Museum, Piraeus)

Greek Tragedy Theatre Mask
A votive offering in a the form of a larger-than-life bronze tragedy theatre mask. Possibly by Silanion, 4th century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Piraeus)

Three Graces Relief, Piraeus
A marble relief plaque showing the Three Graces. Copy of a c. 470 BCE original by Sokrates the Boetian sculptor. (Archaeological Museum, Piraeus)

The Middle Sarcophagus of Kha (Detail)
A detail of the gilded and black bitumen middle sarcophagus of Kha, New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII (1428-1351 BCE). Egyptian Museum, Turin, Italy

Stele of Pay
The limestone 'Stele of the Scribe Pay'. On the left the gods Osiris, Isis and Horus watch various funerary ceremonies involving the deceased. New Kingdom, Dynasty XIX, 1292-1186 BCE, provenance unknown. (Egyptian Museum, Turin)

Limestone statue of the Egyptian god Ptah, Temple of Amun, Thebes, 18th-20th Dynasty, 1550-1070 BCE.
Egyptian Museum, Turin.

Amun & Tutankhamun
A limestone sculpture depicting the god Amun (larger) and Tutankhamun, from the Temple of Amun, Thebes, 18th Dynasty, 1333-1323 BCE.
Egyptian Museum, Turin.