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Augustus as pontifex maximus
Image by Carole Raddato

Augustus as pontifex maximus

Marble statue of Augustus as Pontifex Maximus, late Augustan period. (Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome)
Equestrian statue of Augustus
Image by Carole Raddato

Equestrian statue of Augustus

Bronze torso from an equestrian statue of Augustus dating from the end of the 1st century BCE. The statue was found in the sea between Euboia and Agios Eustratios. (National Archaeological Museum of Athens)
Spartacus 1960 Film Poster
Image by William Reynold Brown

Spartacus 1960 Film Poster

The original release poster for the 1960 film Spartacus starring Kirk Douglas and Laurence Olivier. Artist: William Reynold Brown.
Grand-Menhir, Locmariaquer
Image by Mark Cartwright

Grand-Menhir, Locmariaquer

Three of the remaining pieces of the Grand-Menhir at the Neolithic site of Locmariaquer in north-west France. The menhir once stood 20 metres high and weighed 280 tons. It toppled and broke into four pieces c. 4,000 BCE, a few hundred years...
Neolithic Tumulus Interior, Locmariaquer
Image by Mark Cartwright

Neolithic Tumulus Interior, Locmariaquer

The interior chamber of the stone burial mound known as the Table-des-Marchands (Table of Merchants) at the Neolithic site of Locmariaquer in north-west France. The tomb was constructed in the 5th millennium BCE and is so called because of...
Table-des-Marchands Tumulus, Locmariaquer
Image by Mark Cartwright

Table-des-Marchands Tumulus, Locmariaquer

The stone burial mound known as the Table-des-Marchands (Table of Merchants) at the Neolithic site of Locmariaquer in north-west France. The tomb was constructed in the 5th millennium BCE and is so called because of the large flat stone which...
Image by Claus Rebler


Millet was a cereal widely used in the ancient world.
Alexander Sarcophagus
Image by James Carnehan

Alexander Sarcophagus

This is a side panel of the Alexander Sarcophagus, a stone sarcophagus adorned with bas-relief carvings of Alexander the Great from the 4th century BCE. Discovered in Sidon, Lebanon and residing in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum today.
Cleobis & Biton
Image by James Lloyd

Cleobis & Biton

Two high archaic kouroi, inscribed as Cleobis and Biton. c.580 BCE. These kouroi are over-life-size, standing at 6.5m tall, and are currently housed at the Delphi Museum. The sculptor was Polymides of Argos.
Zeno of Citium Bust
Image by Wikipedia User: Rama

Zeno of Citium Bust

A bust of Zeno of Citium. Found in 1823 CE near the Jardin des Plantes and the ampitheatre. Esperandieu, 1768 CE.