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A marble sculpture of the Minotaur. A Roman copy of a Greek original by Myron. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)

Greek Wrestlers
A relief from a funerary kouros base depicting two Greek wrestlers, one of the sports at such events as the Olympic Games at Olympia. c. 510 BCE. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)

Vapheio Cup
One of two gold Mycenaean cups from the Vapheio tholos tomb, Lakonia, 15th century BCE. The cups show relief scenes of capturing bulls. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)

Bronze Artemis
A bronze statue of Artemis attributed to the sculptor Euphranor, mid-4th century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, Athens).

Warrior & Amazon
A plaque relief depicting a Greek pursuing an Amazon. Part of a pair of duplicate relief slabs. 2nd-century CE Roman copies of scenes from the shield of Athena on the Athena Parthenos statue by Pheidias in the Parthenon. Archaeological Museum...

The Antikythera Youth
The bronze statue known as the Antikythera Youth. Found in the seas off Antikythera, the statue dates to c. 340 BCE. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens).

Statuette of a Lar
Bronze statuette of a Lar holding a cornucopia, 1st century CE. (National Archaeological Museum of Spain, Madrid)
The lar familiaris was a household deity that protected the members of the family, ensuring their health and prosperity.

Statue of Silvanus
Statue of Silvanus, Roman god of woods and wild fields, 1st century CE. (National Archaeological Museum of Spain, Madrid) As fertility god he is the protector of herds and cattle and is associated with Faunus. He shows many similarities...

The Titan Atlas, from the facade of the Old Customs Building in Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2007 CE.

Baptism of Clovis I
Scene from the Saint Remigius binding, last quarter of the 9th century CE, ivory, Musée de Picardie in Amiens, France. The scene shows Clovis I being bapitized by St. Remy.