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Nuremberg Chronicle (Theodoric and Odoacer)
Image by Schedel1

Nuremberg Chronicle (Theodoric and Odoacer)

Woodcut depiction of Theodoric and Odoacer from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 CE, written in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, translation into German by Georg Alt, now in the Bavarian State Library.
Image by The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Period: Meroitic Period Date: 100–250 CE Geography: From Egypt and Sudan, Nubia, Gebel Faras, Cemetery 1, Grave 186, Oxford Univ. Exped. 1926 Medium: cupreous alloy Dimensions: Diam. 11 cm (4 5/16 in) Credit Line: Gift of Oxford University...
House of the Pigeons, Uxmal
Image by Dennis Jarvis

House of the Pigeons, Uxmal

The House of the Pigeons at Uxmal, Mexico. This Maya building is so named because the intricate facade with many apertures resembles a dovecote. It was constructed c. 900 CE.
House of the Governor, Uxmal
Image by Dennis Jarvis

House of the Governor, Uxmal

The House of the Governor, Uxmal, Mexico. The building was constructed in the 10th century CE to commemorate the reign of Lord Chahk. It was used as a royal palace and administrative centre.
Nunnery Quadrangle, Uxmal
Image by Wikipedia User: HJPD

Nunnery Quadrangle, Uxmal

The complex known as the Nunnery, Uxmal, Mexico. The Maya building was constructed in the 9th century CE and its purpose is unknown.
Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal
Image by Sybz

Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal

The Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal, Mexico. The Maya temple was first built in the 6th century CE with additions made up to the 10th century CE.
Vestal Virgin by Canova
Image by Getty Museum

Vestal Virgin by Canova

Antonio Canova (Italian, 1757 - 1822 CE) Herm of a Vestal Virgin, 1821 - 1822, Marble Object: H: 49.8 x W: 31.9 x D: 24.1 cm (1 ft. 7 5/8 in. x 1 ft. 9/16 in. x 9 1/2 in.) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Temple II, Tikal
Image by Mike Vondran

Temple II, Tikal

Temple II, Tikal, Guatemala. The temple was used as a tomb, probably for the queen of Maya ruler Jasaw Chan K'awiil (r. 682-734 CE), although, no remains have been discovered. The temple is 42 metres high and faces the larger temple-pyramid...
North Acropolis, Tikal
Image by Peter Andersen

North Acropolis, Tikal

The North Acropolis of Tikal, Guatemala. The Maya city flourished between 300 and 850 CE but the acropolis was first built c. 250 BCE with many additions being made to it over the centuries. A total of 12 temples were built and used to bury...
Temple I, Tikal
Image by Dave Jimison

Temple I, Tikal

Temple I, Tikal, Gautemala. The temple was used as the tomb of Maya ruler Jasaw Chan K'awiil (r. 682-734 CE). The structure is 50 metres high and the steps climbing to the top are set at an angle of over 70 degrees.