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Foundation Figure of King Shulgi of Ur
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Foundation Figure of King Shulgi of Ur

Foundation figure of King Shulgi of Ur carrying a basket, copper, c. 2094–2047 BCE. Foundation figures were buried in the foundations of a temple and show the king carrying building materials for the temple. Building and restoring temples...
Scipio Africanus Freeing Massiva
Image by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Scipio Africanus Freeing Massiva

As described by the Roman historian Livy (1st century BC), the youthful Massiva was the nephew of a prince of Numidia in present-day Algeria who had supported Scipio Africanus (a Roman general so known because of his conquests in North Africa...
Scythian Funeral Procession
Image by The Creative Assembly

Scythian Funeral Procession

Artist's impression of how a Scythian funeral process may have looked like. A typical Scythian burial mound (or kurgan) is visible in the background.
Ancient Andean Mummy Bundle
Image by Steve Montgomery

Ancient Andean Mummy Bundle

A Nazca mummy bundle from Chauchilla, Peru. Then Nazca civilization flourished between 200 BCE and 600 CE. Mummification was a common practice in many ancient Andean cultures.
Amphora showing a boxing contest
Image by Carole Raddato

Amphora showing a boxing contest

Black-figured amphora showing a boxing contest, made in Athens about 550-500 BCE, signed by the potter Nikosthenes, from Agrigento (Sicily). The boxers wearing himantes (leather thongs bound on the fist) are about to exchange blows. The boxer...
Attic Red-figure Kylix
Image by Carole Raddato

Attic Red-figure Kylix

Attic red-figure cup (kylix) depicting an athlete ready to throw the javelin, from Vulci (Italy), around 440/430 BCE. (Altes Museum, Berlin).
Pliny the Elder
Image by Littlehelper

Pliny the Elder

Pliny the Elder from a 1635 CE printing of Historia Naturalis.
Gold Hair Ornament
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gold Hair Ornament

Gold hair ornament from Agrigento, Sicily, 3rd century BCE. The central medallion depicts Medusa. Archaeological Museum of Agrigento.
Battle of Pharsalus
Image by Wikipedia User: Kirill Lokshin

Battle of Pharsalus

The initial troop positions of the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BCE between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. In red are the 11 legions of Pompey with cavalry on the left flank against Caesar's 9 legions in blue.
Egyptian Beadnet Dress (Detail)
Image by Jennifer Brown

Egyptian Beadnet Dress (Detail)

Egyptian beadnet dress from the reign of Khufu, 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom of Egypt, 2551-2528 BCE. This beadnet dress is the earliest surviving example of a garment with the lozenge pattern. This pattern is frequently used when depicting...