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Ghost Dance of Sioux at Pine Ridge
Image by Frederic Remington

Ghost Dance of Sioux at Pine Ridge

The Ghost Dance of the Oglala Sioux at Pine Ridge Agency, 1889-1890. Image by artist Frederic Remington, 1890.
Chief Kicking Bear of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation
Image by George E. Spencer

Chief Kicking Bear of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation

Chief Kicking Bear (l. 1845-1904) of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation in 1891; photo taken while he was a prisoner at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Kicking Bear is credited by some scholars with creating the ghost shirt used during the Ghost Dance...
Caddo Dancers of the Caddo Cultural Club
Image by Uyvsdi

Caddo Dancers of the Caddo Cultural Club

Modern-day Caddo dancers of the Caddo Cultural Club, Binger, Oklahoma, 2008. The Caddo nation of Oklahoma, notably, have continued to keep the practice of the Ghost Dance alive into the 21st century.
King Ajatashatru Venerates the Buddha
Image by Anandajoti Bhikkhu

King Ajatashatru Venerates the Buddha

King Ajatashatru Venerates the Buddha, from the Bharhut Stupa, c. 100-80 BCE. Indian Museum, Kolkata.
Ashoka Visiting the Deer Park, Sanchi Stupa
Image by Biswarup Ganguly

Ashoka Visiting the Deer Park, Sanchi Stupa

Ashoka with his two queens visiting the deer park, Sanchi Stupa 1 Southern Gateway.
Miracle at Kapilavastu, Sanchi Stupa, Northern Gateway
Image by Biswarup Ganguly

Miracle at Kapilavastu, Sanchi Stupa, Northern Gateway

Suddhodana praying as his son the Buddha rises in the air with only the path visible, Sanchi Stupa 1, Northern Gateway.
Homage of King Suddhodana, Sanchi Stupa 1, Eastern Gateway
Image by Biswarup Ganguly

Homage of King Suddhodana, Sanchi Stupa 1, Eastern Gateway

Homage of King Suddhodana, Sanchi Stupa 1, Eastern Gateway, Right pillar, inner top panel.
Cloyne Cathedral
Image by Andreas F. Borchert

Cloyne Cathedral

Saint Colman's Cathedral, Cloyne, county Cork, Ireland. The Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753) was appointed Anglican Bishop of Cloyne in 1734.
George Berkeley by Hart
Image by Alfred C. Hart

George Berkeley by Hart

A 19th-century portrait by Alfred C. Hart of the Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753).
George Berkeley & the Bermuda Group
Image by John Smibert

George Berkeley & the Bermuda Group

A c. 1730 oil-on-canvas painting, the Bermuda Group, by John Smibert. Shown standing on the far right of the picture is the Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753) who tried to assemble funding for new educational institutions...