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Roman Armour
A detail from a 2nd century CE Roman statue showing the armoured breast plate (lorica), tunic and cloak (paludamentum) typical of a Roman soldier. The armour is decorated with acanthus leaves and from the hanging pieryges are, alternately...
Sappho of Lesbos, Palazzo Massimo
A black basalt representation of the Greek poetess Sappho of Lesbos. The work is a 16-18th century CE replica or even a re-working of an ancient original. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)
The Judgement of Paris (Detail)
A detail from a fragmentary marble relief depicting the Judgement of Paris, one of the preliminaries in the Trojan War story. Paris wears his typical oriental cap and on the left is his companion, the shepherdess Oenone, who holds a syrinx...
Grand Ludovisi Sarcophagus
The Roman sarcophagus known as the Grand Ludovisi Sarcophagus, discovered near the Porta Tiburtina in Rome. The front scene depicts three layers of narrative: at the top are victorious Roman soldiers, in the middle are Romans fighting 'barbarians'...
Mars Ultor
This 2nd century CE head of Mars Ultor (the Avenger) was once part of a relief sculpture and is inspired by a similar representation originally part of the Temple of Mars Ultor in the Forum of Augustus, Rome. The piece was extensively restored...
Roman Victory
An image illustrating the submission of arms to a victorious Roman army.
Naram-Sin rock relief, Sulaimaniya, Iraq
A rock relief depicting the victory of the Akkadian king Naram Sin after defeating Lulubis, tribes who came from the Zagros mountains west of Iran. The relief was made on the surface of a mountain cliff, modern Qopi Qoshk, Qaradagh's mountains...
Mt. Darbandi Bilula's Akkadian Rock Relief, Mesopotamia, Iraq
This rock relief dates back to the Akkadian era. It lies on the cliff of Mt. Darbadi Bilula, Hori and Shekhan area, Sulaimaniya, near the Iranian border, Iraq. Circa 2100 BCE. It features a victorious man with two captives before him; one...
Market Scene
This is an artist's impression of how an ancient Greek or Roman agora or forum (market) may have looked like.
Greek Harbour Scene
Artist's impression of how a harbour scene in ancient Greece may have looked.