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Prometheus & Atlas
Image by Karl-Ludwig G. Poggemann

Prometheus & Atlas

A black-figure Lakonian kylix, c. 570-560 BCE, depicting the Titans Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders and Prometheus being tormented by an eagle sent by Zeus to eat his liver as punishment for giving mankind the gift of fire, stolen...
Image by Mary Harrsch (Photographed at the Capitoline Museum, Rome)


A portrait bust of Roman emperor Nerva, 35-98 CE. (Capitoline Museum, Rome)
Fish Plate
Image by Lucas

Fish Plate

A Greek ceramic plate used for serving fish and seafood. A central depression collected any excess oil. The shape was popular in both Attica and Magna Graecia. Attic dishes almost always have the fish painted with their underside towards...
Valens Aqueduct, Constantinople
Image by Oleg

Valens Aqueduct, Constantinople

A remaining section of the aqueduct built by Emperor Valens in the 4th century CE in Constantinople.
Basilica Cistern, Constantinople
Image by Rob Hutton

Basilica Cistern, Constantinople

One of two monumental Medusa carvings which hold up columns in the Basilica Cistern of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople). The cistern was constructed in the 6th century BCE reusing the Medusa blocks from an earlier Roman building. One Medusa...
Binbirderek Cistern, Constantinople
Image by marcus_jb1973

Binbirderek Cistern, Constantinople

Part of the Binbirderek cistern or Cistern of Philoxenos under Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) first built in 330 CE to hold the city's water reserves which were fed by conduits and aqueducts.
Hagia Sophia Panorama
Image by Mark Cartwright

Hagia Sophia Panorama

The former cathedral and mosque Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (formerly Constantinople). Although some historians disagree (claiming Constantine laid the foundation), Constantius II is credited with building the first of three Hagia Sophias, the...
Theatre of Pergamon
Image by Benh Lieu Song

Theatre of Pergamon

The unusually steep cavea of the 2nd century BCE theatre in the Hellenistic city of Pergamon (modern Turkey).
Attic Red-Figure Dinos
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Attic Red-Figure Dinos

An Attic red-figure dinos bowl decorated with scenes of Theseus fighting the Amazon Andromache, 440-430 BCE. Dinoi were used for mixing wine with water. (The British Museum, London).
Battle of Thermopylae 480 BCE
Image by Dept. of History, US Military Academy

Battle of Thermopylae 480 BCE

A map indicating the location and military positions taken in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE between the Persian invading forces of Xerxes I against a small Greek force led by Spartan king Leonidas. Defending the pass for three days...